Chapter 13: One Hurt Ego

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The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy]: Chapter 13: One Hurt Ego


               Asher pulled Stacy around the side of the building, leaving me with the group of gripping girls. "AJ, why do you look so serious?" One of them cooed in my ear, running her hands over my chest. 

I jumped away. "Don't tough me." I hurried away, no longer content just sitting and scanning the crowd. 

"AJ?!" She ran after me and caught my hand. "AJ, what's wrong with you?" 

I turned to face her but it wasn't the same girl from the table, it was Alicia. Her eyes were wide and her lips pouted. "Nothing - I can't find Nate." 

She suddenly became bored. "You can't find your own boyfriend? He's under the bleachers like he always is. You don't know much about him do you?" She crossed her arms before smiling. "He's not in a great mood - just a heads up." She skipped off and caught up to some guy. She curled her arm in his and continued to walk with her head on his shoulder. I would definitely be asking her about him later. 

               I darted through the crowd until it thinned onto the football field. I could barely make out Nate's small form under the metal seating and I headed for it. "Nate?" His head jerked up and he looked right at me. His knees were pulled to his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around them. "Are you okay?" I sat down next to him and I could feel him grow cold. 

'Why are you here?' His writing was scribbled and messy - both unlike his usual penmanship. 

I attempted to wrap an arm around his but he stopped me. "Nate, I'm your boyfriend. You disappeared on me last night - I had to see if you were ok." 

'I'm fine.' He threw his notebook down and buried his head in his arms. 

"I don't think so. Who was that guy anyway? He really scared you." His body tensed and refused to relax. 

'Leave me alone AJ. I can't see you anymore - I love Jesse." He ripped the paper out and shoved it in my hands, running for the school's back exit. 

I ran after him but even with his bag weighing him down, he was too fast. "Nate!" I watched him jump the gate. I stared at the page, my eyes playing over the name. I remember hearing it but I couldn't place where. I quickly crumbled it and stormed off to find Kently. 

               Kently, along with the rest of his posse, was sitting under the school's main sign, their letterman jackets marking them as untouchable. I, on the other hand, could care less. "Kently!" 

His head snapped up as his eyes met mine. "What do you want freak?!" He stood and stepped down from the center of the group. 

I grabbed his collar and shoved him against the wall, "I swear, if you did something to Nate I'm going to kill you!" I could see the hidden fear in his eyes: he may have had the title but I had the skills and he knew that. 

He began to laugh and his lackeys followed. "I haven't seen that bastard in almost a week." 

"Don't call him that!" I hissed dangerously as I slammed him into the wall again. 

"Get the fuck off me!" He pushed me off him and righted his jacket. "Nate could die on the street for all I care - he should've been aborted anyway." 

I lost it. I threw my body weight against him and landed a few fair hits before security was pulling us apart. "You fucken piece of shit!" I yelled as I aimed my heeled boot for his knee. I heard the sickening crack as the bones gave way under the pressure and the pain-filled wail that followed. He collapsed, holding his leg and I knew I aimed right. His leg was bowed, bent in an unnatural way. 

The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy] (Some characters from I Ran Away to Vegas...) - 2012Where stories live. Discover now