Chapter 20: Content (Alternate Ending)

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The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy]: Chapter 20: Content (Alternate Ending)


               I nervously shuffled from foot to foot while Asher worked over Jesse's back door. I wanted to get Nate's notebook back - a jackass like Jesse didn't deserve it. "Got it." The door swung open and I hesitantly stepped in. Jesse was still being held since he couldn't make bail with the amount of charges against him, "Why are we here anyway?" 

"I have to get Nate's notebook." The house was fairly clean with all the caution tape still in place. 

He shrugged as he stared at the blood stains layering the carpet. "What does it look like?" 

"It's a little thicker than a normal notebook and it has a drawn stripped pattern on the front." I answered as I began looking through a stack of paper. Between Asher and I, it only took us fifteen minutes to look through the living room. "I'm going to look in the bedroom - you go to the kitchen." I walked down the narrow hall that led to a single door and let myself in. The air was stagnant with the smell of incense and oils. Chains, cuffs, and whips were mixed in the blankets on the bed that over flowed onto the floor. Nate's notebook sat on the edge, almost fully swallowed by the mess. I pulled it free and ticked it in the lining of my jacket. 

"AJ!" I followed Asher's voice into the kitchen. "Aren't these of Nate?" He handed over a small stack of pictures before turning to rummage through another drawer. They were of Nate, starting when he was young. He looked about eight or nine but judging by the date printed in the lower corner, he was eleven. 

"You can stop looking; I found his notebook in the room." 

Asher shut the drawer and followed me out. "So are you going to tell me what's going on here?" He asked as he relocked the picked door. 

I flipped through the pictures again before shoving them into my pocket. "Nate was in an abusive relationship - that's why he can't talk." I stated curtly before jumping the fence into the neighbor's backyard. 

"Nate's back in the hospital because of the guys in those pictures - isn't he?" 

Many of the pictures were of Jesse and Nate but few contained two other guys. "Probably." I shrugged. 

               I locked myself in Dad's office and pulled out his paper shredder, placing it between my knees. I fed one picture in at a time, making sure that the remains weren't able to be made out. I wouldn't have Nate scrutinized for these photos. The phone rang but I ignored it, letting Daddy or Lyss get it. 

"AJ?" Daddy called as I fed the last one through. 

"Coming!" I yelled back as I collected the trash and put the shredder away. I unlocked the door and ascended the stairs. "Yeah?" Daddy was helping Dad with his coat while he jumped around trying to put on his shoes. "What is it? Who was on the phone?" 

"It was the hospital - Nates missing." My heart seized. 

"What do you mean he's missing?! He's in a Coma!" 

I grabbed my shoes, quickly slipping them as I ran out the door. Dad unlocked the car and slid into the driver's seat. "Do you know where he could've gone or someone he could go to?" 

I shook my head, "Nate doesn't talk to many people and I don't think he would go home -" 

"Well, we'll stop by just to see - the worst that can happen is he's not there..." 

He was right but that wasn't comforting. I should be glad that he was awake after a week but I'd rather him be in a Coma, knowing he's safe, than him being gone. 

The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy] (Some characters from I Ran Away to Vegas...) - 2012Where stories live. Discover now