Chapter 17: A Moment of Desperation

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The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy]: Chapter 17: A Moment of Desperation


               I ran up to the door and pounded on the hard wood. I wasn't going to leave without Nate, even if I had to beat Jesse within an inch of his life. "Hold your ass, I'm coming." Someone yelled and opened the door a few seconds later. I was standing face-to-face with Jesse and I wanted nothing more than to kill him. 

My fingers wound in the collar of his already ripped shirt and I slammed him against the doorframe. "Where is Nate you fucken son of a bitch?!" 

His eyebrows furrowed as he forced my hands to release him. "Nate is none of your concern, now get out of here before I loose my fucken temper." He threatened but I wasn't about to back down so quickly. 

"I swear, if you hurt him I'm going to kill you!" My hands were clenched at my sides. 

He slightly laughed and I could smell the alcohol on his breath. "You better get your punk-ass out of here - I'm getting impatient." 

"I'm not leaving without Nate." Furry overcame him features and he attacked. I efficiently dodged his fist but caught an uppercut to my chin. I could taste the metal in my mouth but I did my best to ignore it. I swung repeatedly, making contact with his care muscles. He grunted and kicked me off him. I stumbled but managed to stay on my feet. He pulled me through the door and into the living room. A limp body was curled in the fetal position on the couch and I knew it was Nate without even having to see his face. He was trembling but other than that, unmoving. 

"Nate!" I yelled but he refused to move. "You son of a bitch - what did you do to him?!" I turned back to Jesse who was rubbing his jaw. 

"You didn't get the hint, did you?" He smiled arrogantly. "Nate was just using you to get back at me." 

Nate wasn't using me, even I knew that. I threw myself at him. My head smashed into his chest and we crashed to the ground. He hissed loudly and kicked again, causing me to whimper as a sudden shock of pain ran up my side. I bit my lips and forced myself back to my feet. I ran over to Nate and pushed his hair away from his face, revealing the new bruising, mainly around his nose as if he had been punched. "Nate, come on." I gently shook him, my eyes tracing all the scars and purpling blotches covering his nude body. His eyes twitched under their lids but remained closed. 

"Get your hands off of him!" Jesse ordered as he advanced on me again. 

"Funny - I should be telling you that." I smirked as I swung. It hit him in his jaw again and he winced. 

"You sorry little fuck!" He pulled a pocket knife from the side of his boot and snapped it open. It was the same, cheap red metal like my own. I did my best to avoid the blade and cried out when it slit across my forearm. I clamped down on the cut to limit the bleeding. "Give up kid?!" 

"I won't let you hurt Nate anymore!" I charged at him again, knocking the knife from his hand. It slid across the floor and clattered against the wall. "You're a sadist - a perverted son of a bitch!" He smiled as if he was proud of it. 

"And what are you - a drug-addicted faggot!" I ignored his comment - needless to say - I've been called worse..."Say goodbye!" He grabbed me by my throat as we crashed to the ground again. He pinned my arms under his knees and left me completely hapless. "I'll be sure to tell Nate that you stopped by when he wakes up." He laughed and tightened his grip. I choked and coughed under him, all the while staring into his eyes. They were cold, hard, and merciless - the eyes of a killer. Suddenly, his grip slackened and his eyes rolled back with a loud thump. Nate stood over us as his limp body collapsed against my own. 

"Nate." He dropped the skillet he'd used to hit Jesse over the head and fell to the ground. "Nate!" I shoved Jesse off me and scrambled over to him. His skin was cold and tacky with a sheer layer of sweat. "Hold on Nate." I choked out as I dialed the emergency line with my cell phone. 

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?" The operator came on and I blubbered out as much as I could. "Please slow down sir - where are you?" I read off the address and begged for an ambulance. Nate's breathing labored and blood continued to gush from his nose. "Where is Jesse right now?" 

"He's knocked out next to us." The blood from his nose cascaded over his cheek and was dripping onto my arm. "He's really bleeding." 

"Hold tight AJ, an ambulance and patrol car are on their way." They hadn't even finished their sentence before I heard the sirens. 

"You're going to be okay Nate." I pulled him closer to me and slipped off my jacket. I wrapped it around him and cried a little harder. Nate never hurt anyone and he didn't deserve to die like this. 

"AJ?" My head snapped up to an officer standing in the doorway, flanked by a group of paramedics. 

"Help him." I choked out, pushing Nate's hair away from his face. 

They rushed toward us and within a minute we were surrounded. "Do you know what happened to him?" One of them asked as they gently took him from me. 

I shook my head and allowed another guy to help me back to my feet. "No." They laid him on a gurney and covered him with a sterilized sheet. 

"Came with is so we could tend to your arm." I followed them out, my eyes never leaving Nate. 

They had him on an I.V. drip and were hovering all around him. "Will he be okay?" I asked as they loaded him into the ambulance and clicked on the siren. 

"The faster he gets to the hospital, the better his chances." 

               I escaped their clutched with a couple of stitches to close the knife wound and was offered a lift to the hospital by one of the cops. They informed me that my dad had been notified and would meet me there. 

               I allowed my hair to fall over my eyes as I impatiently twitched in the hospital's waiting room. "AJ?" Both my dads and Alicia ran through the doors, instantly surrounding me. "Are you alright?" Daddy asked and wrapped his arms around me. 

               For the first time in years I hugged him back willingly. "Nate's in surgery - they discovered his loss of consciousness was due to bleeding in his frontal lobe." My voice was monotone since it was the best I could do without bursting into tears. 

Dad was busy questioning the receptionist and Alicia had sat down next to me. "I'm sorry about Nate. He'll be alright, he's strong." She smiled and kissed my cheek. Nate was strong, he's been through a lot but I also knew that everyone had a breaking point. 

"You were stabbed?!" Dad asked and jerked on my jacket zipper. 

I winced as he freed my arm. I wasn't stabbed, the knife barely grazed me." 

"How big of an idiot are you Aaron? You could've been killed!" He yelled, causing Alicia to cringe. 

"Calm down Cam, we're in a hospital." Daddy reminded as he sat down next to my little sister. 

"Sorry." He pulled me into a hug and slightly squeezed. "Why didn't you tell me where you were going?" 

"Again - you wouldn't have let me go. Nate could be dead right now..." I moved away from him, "You're not going to me again - are you?" 

"No, although I should." He let Daddy pull him into a chair and relaxed. 

The doors opened behind me and a doctor stepped out with a solemn look on his face and I could feel my heart crumbling.

The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy] (Some characters from I Ran Away to Vegas...) - 2012Where stories live. Discover now