Chapter 7 (Part 2): Anaphylactic Shock

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The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy]: Chapter 7 (Part 2): Anaphylactic Shock

Nate's POV

          I shuffled into school, not daring to look at all the other students I passed. I had to find AJ before Kently found me if I was going to survive today. I had to leave the house an hour early just to avoid him. I knew Kently, along with everyone else in my family for that matter, didn't like me but I never thought he would actually try to kill me. "Hey faggot, where's your boyfriend?" Kently laughed as he snatched AJ's notebook from my hands. I reached for it desperately, my hands only able to grab air. 

"Hey Kently, I think the homo wants to go dumpster diving." His friend, Rick, laughed. I turned to run but he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. Kently grabbed my legs and I was lift into the air. I screamed even though I knew no sound out come out. I felt that gut-wrenching, free fall for the few seconds before I collided with yesterday's garbage. I silently coughed as I dug myself back out. Kently and Rick walked away laughing, ripping out pages of AJ's notebook before tossing it over their shoulder. I quickly scooped it off the ground and frantically looked through the pages only to find my latest three drawings were gone. 

"Here." Asher now stood next to me, holding two stray pages. I took them from him and smiled that two of the three drawings were recovered. I shrugged at him, wondering why he was even bothering to be nice when he spent years tormenting me. "AJs my best friend and for some reason he seems to like you so..." His voice was emotionless when he was normally capricious and bombastic. 

I grabbed a pencil from my pocket and opened to the back of the notebook. 'What's wrong? You're acting too mellow.' 

"AJs in the hospital - he's been in there since yesterday." He was somber and his words, even though they were lightening, were weighing down the brick placed on my chest. 

'Where's he at?!' 

Asher began walking away and I followed. "He's at the hospital down the street is room 408." He quickly spun, "Don't bother going down there either. They won't let you in unless you're family." With that he continued down the hall as I ran for the school's exit. 

          I approached the hospital doors, the strong scent of disinfectant and latex filling my nose. Sharp memories filled my head and I quickly pushed them away. It was the past that haunted me everyday but I knew they would never hurt me again. "Can I help you?" A chubby receptionist questioned. 

'I'm here to see my brother Aaron. He's in room 408.' I wrote and turned the notebook for her to read. 

She sighed in annoyance, "Sign here." I did and she gave me a pass. I surely didn't miss this place and had no intention of ever ending up back in here. I followed the familiar hallways to the elevator and rode it to the third floor. Doctors and nurses passed me without giving much thought as to why a teenager was here instead of school but at the same time - they probably had bigger stuff to worry about. The elevator beeped as it leveled and I stepped out. There was a note taped to AJ's door with my name on it. I grabbed it and stuffed it into my pocket - the oddness of a slip of paper with my name on is not dawning on me. I lightly tapped against the door before entering. 

AJ was asleep and I couldn't help but think how horrible he looked. He had red patches of skin all over him, an I.V. hooked up to two separate bags, and a Tracheotomy tube sticking out of his neck. He looked like death worn over. I grabbed his chart from the end of his bed and flipped it open. The Trach was needed after his throat fully closed due to anaphylactic shock. He had ingested an unknown amount of antibiotic pills even though he was highly allergic to the majority of the penicillin family. That had to suck ass - no pun intended. I returned the file and sat down in one of the chairs next to his bed. I intended to stay here until he woke up, even if that meant waiting all night. My mom wouldn't care anyway...I was just a burden on her perfect life.



Hey guys! :D I wanted to say sorry for the long wait but while I was gone I was able to write the rest of The Silent Boy...I'll be posting everyother day until it's finished. Thanks again! :D

The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy] (Some characters from I Ran Away to Vegas...) - 2012Where stories live. Discover now