Chapter 7 (Part1): Anaphylactic Shock

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The Silent Boy [Boy\/Boy]: Chapter 7 (Part1): Anaphylactic Shock


               A soft beeping filled my ears as I was blinded by a bright light. "Can you hear me Aaron?" My eyelids were gently pulled up and a pen light was shined into them. I flinched away from the sudden brightness and they instantly stopped. Someone grabbed my hand and ordered me to squeeze it. "You're in the hospital Aaron." I tried to speak but found myself unable to. "You were in a severe anaphylactic shock, we had to insert a breathing tube and you're currently hooked up to an I.V." I could feel my body being jarred, almost as if I was still on a gurney.

"Dad." I gargled.

"Your parents have already been called." I slowly closed my eyes, drowning under the scotch and pills.

               "Stop it, Ikuto. He's going to be fine." Dad cooed from somewhere in the room. The beeping still continued.

"Look what we've done to him!" Daddy cried, "What did we do wrong?"

There was ruffling as Dad sat down on the edge of my bed. "You want to know what we did wrong. We let him do anything he wanted and never admonished him for it."

"No - this is your fault! He was fine until you hit him...He's too old to be spanked."

I could see them but I couldn't stop their fight. I hated it when they fought and Lyss hated it too. "S-stop." My throat closed around a plastic tube shoved down my throat, almost making me gag.

Dad and Daddy we instantly next to me, caressing my face and holding my hand. "AJ, how do you feel?" I pulled my hand out of their and traced my collar bone that was now wrapped in gauze with a single tube protruding from the arc of my neck. "Don't touch it AJ."

"I'm s-sorry." It was a struggle to speak and I hated the way it made me stutter.

Daddy wrapped his arms around me protectively. "No, we're sorry."

"Ikuto, stop babying him - he's going to be eighteen fucken years old and he needs to take responsibility for his actions." Dad stood back, crossing his arms disappointingly over his chest.

"Stop it Camm. He almost died and all you can think about is being mad!" Their fighting was becoming more common and I couldn't help but feel it was my fault. If I wasn't such a screw up they wouldn't be fighting over me.

"I'm done. You can fucken baby him all you want to but I'm not." Dad turned to leave before running into another figure in the doorway.

"Ow - I could've just done with a hug." Uncle Devin smiled down at Dad. "Where are you going so fast?"

Dad looked away before pushing passed him and out of the room...and they wondered where I got it. "Hey kid."

My Uncle Devin was my Dad's step brother and he was the lead singer of Vampyre Massacre. He still sings but sadly the band broke up shortly after my parents met in Vegas. Ikuto was often called 'La Vida Loca' as an inside joke which neither him nor Dad found funny.

I slightly waved and looked away, embarrassed. "Why are y-you here?"

"AJ." Daddy whispered.

Uncle Devin simply laughed. "Came to see how you were doing. Your friend wanted to see you too but they won't let him back because he's not related." Poor Asher. He was probably freaking out. Despite our idiotic behavior, he really did care about me like I cared about him. He must've grabbed an antibiotic from his parent's cabinet - not knowing I was allergic. He must feel so guilty but I didn't blame him.

"I w-want to g-go home." I whined.

Daddy shook his head and collapsed in a chair. "They're going to keep you for a while AJ then we can go home." I settled further into the bed and pouted.

Devin sat next to Daddy and sighed. "Camm spanked him?"

"Yeah, the other day, I told him not to but he did it while I was at my parents' house." Why did they have to talk about that? It was embarrassing enough without them talking about it.

Devin cleared his throat. "His mom used to spank him too. She did it once while Clary and I was in the room." Clary was short for Clarissa whom was my dad's twin sister. We never hear from her much anymore. She married and followed her husband back to the U.k. Devin and Daddy sat in silence for a while as I once again drifted back to sleep.



Thanks for the great comments guys! :D

The Silent Boy [Boy/Boy] (Some characters from I Ran Away to Vegas...) - 2012Where stories live. Discover now