Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


I walk out of the tree line.  He knows I’m here so why hide it?

“What do you want?” he asks.

“I’m here to accept your offer, I need your help” I say.  He looks surprised.

“Okay, first you’re going to have to do a few things” he says “First you will allow my spy in your Clan to make sure you do everything I ask.

“Easy enough” I say.

“Good, now ban all Vampyres and Witches from entering your territory” he says.  I nod. “Next you will stop training your Clan and go back to regular routine.  Then you either step down from your position as Leader or banish your mate” he says.  I freeze.

“I have to give up almost everything just so you can keep the humans away?” I say.  I sigh “I guess I will” I shake his hand and he slinks off into the bushes.  He emerges a moment later with a small child. 

“This is my son, Fin, he will be the spy once you have done everything I will come and collect him.  Tell your Clan that you found him in the village alone and he smelt of Shifter so you brought him home or something like that” Conal says.

“Okay, come on kid let’s go” I say.  He follows me out of the clearing.  I glance back and see Conal with a devilish smirk on his face.  I shudder and Shift into my wolf.  Fin climbs on my back and we head back to the Clan.

“He’s going to be staying with me until his parents come and get him” I say holding the scared child beside me as I explain why he’s here to my Clan. “Also I’m banning all Witches and Vampyres from crossing our borders.  Clan dismissed” I finish.  I used the excuse Conal had given me.  I’m going to have to think up some reason for banishing Seth because I’m not stepping down no matter what, I refuse to disappoint my mom.  I walk Fin back to the house.  I set him up in my room on the blow up mattress.  He’s only going to be here or about a week and all the rooms are full so he’ll have to deal.  I hand him the remote for the tv and walk out of the room. 

I march downstairs.  I find Seth stuffing his face in the kitchen. 

“What’s got you down?” he asks.  I wave my hand at him to follow me.  I open the basement door and walk down.  I open the tunnel to the secret room.  I hear his footsteps behind me.  I close the entrance behind us so the kid won’t find us if he gets nosey.  I walk into the room and sit in my chair.

“Don’t say anything until I’m finished” I tell him.  He nods in agreement.  “Okay so when I joined this Clan I met my sister and she had just met her mate.  He ended up turning her against me and we dueled as you know.  She killed herself later that day.  Arura was my sister and she’s back.  Arura’s Scarlet” I say.  His eyes widen in shock. “For years I was depressed and haven’t really gotten over it but that’s beside the point.  Very recently I have received a letter from the Dark Sky Clan about our human problem.  And I’ve accepted they’re offer.  But I have to make a few changes before I do so.  This isn’t my first encounter with them and they’ve been troubling me for years.  I have done two of the three I have to do but I’m not sure I can do the last one” I finish.  I hang my head and start sobbing.   Seth comes over and rubs my back.

“It’s okay whatever the third thing is, I’m sure I can help you out” he says.

“That’s what my problem is, either I step down as Leader or I banish you” I say and start bawling.

“Just banish me, I’ll stay in a hotel in town until the humans go away” he says.

“That’s not how it works.  Banishment is for life.  I’d rather just reject you it’d be easier on all of us” I say.

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