Chapter 6
Ivy and Scarlet hold me as I cry. Summer's body lays in front of us attached to a bunch of machines that are keeping her alive. It's only been hours and I haven't left Summer's side since she was brought here. I remember when Summer first saw a sword. We were on a class trip to the museum. She wondered off and we found her swinging around a sword. I remember laughing at the security guards when they tried to get the sword back. They did after a while but I had to help.
"Come on you're not doing yourself any good just sitting here" Ivy says.
"I guess your right" I say after a moment.
"Let's go home" Scarlet says. We stand up. I take one last look at her as we leave the room. Ivy and Scarlet help me back to my house. Scarlet helps me to my room and disappears back down the hall. I push open my door and close it behind me.
"Are you okay?" a voice says behind me. I jump and turn around. I see Seth sitting on my bed.... shirtless. I glue my eyes to his face so they don't travel down his body.
"Summer's dying" I say. I feel a lump form in my throat and I fall to the ground. Seth rushes over to me and picks me up.
"How did this happen?" he asks pulling me onto his lap.
"It's all my fault!" I cry "I wasn't paying attention and I let them get her!" He lifts my chin and wipes away my tears. I let my eyes wonder down his perfect body. I wrench my eyes back to his. I bite my lip and see the lust form in his eyes. I close my eyes and kiss him. I feel him kiss me back. Our lips move in sync. He lays back so I'm on top of him.
We lay, legs intertwined, cuddling close. I lift my head and kiss him again. He pulls me closer.
"I'm sorry" he says.
"For what?" I ask.
"For taking advantage of you" he says. I look at him "You are upset and I used you"
"It's okay I guess I just-" the phone cuts me off. I snatch it off it's charger on my nightstand.
"Hello?" I answer.
"It's Peter, you may want to come over" he says. I don't need to hear anymore. I drop the phone and pull a hoodie and jeans on.
"What's going on?" Seth asks. I open my window.
"It's Summer" I say and jump from the window. I have wind catch me so I land softly on the grass. I run off with wind at my heals urging me faster. I burst through the door. Peter's waiting for me in the office.
"Come with me" he says. I struggle to hold the tears back. He opens the door and I see Summer lying in the bed. The machines no longer beeping.
"No" I whisper. I let the tears come as I collapse again. I feel a hand on my shoulder.
"She's not gone yet" Peter says "She is still alive but her soul has left her body. It has traveled off this earth for a few moments" I look up at him confused. I cast spirit and Summer's soul is nowhere to be found. "It will be back soon she's just lost another life"
"What do you mean she's lost another life?" I ask confused.
"She's a Neko, part human part cat, which is why she has a wolf spirit in her when she Shifts if she didn't she'd die permanently" Peter explains.
"She's a Neko? That actually makes more sense then it should" I say and start laughing. I feel her presence return. I watch as the gash heals over and becomes a scar. Her eyes flutter open.
"Kelly?" she asks looking at me.
"Yes Summer it's me, I told you, you wouldn't die!" I say.
"But I did" she says. Ears begin to grow from the top of her head. I watch as her body distorts itself. After a few minutes she disappears. I run over to the bed, where her cloths lay. I lift them and a small black cat is cleaning itself.

WerewolfArura's been dead for 3 years and Kelly's the leader of the Maplewood clan. The humans are becoming a problem. More and more are looking for them. When Kelly hires an assassin to get rid of them she doesn't expect a thing. When the assassin arri...