Chapter the Sixth

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Lucas coughs. Loudly. At me. I look over at him and he nudges his head toward the door. I give him a blank face and he says "remember the whole reason you brought us here? Your mom?"

I nod and grab El's hand, running upstairs. I gesture for El to stay behind the door and I emerge from the stairs.

My mom, distracting by her cooking, jumps when I call her name. She turns around and looks at me expectantly.

"Hey mom, so I'm just going to go right out and say it." Her face pales the minute these words leave my mouth. "Oh my god, Michael, did you break the law? Are you on drugs? Did you get a girl pregnant? Are you," she whispers at this point, "a homosexual?"

"What, mom no. Also no to all of that, mom I'm 14!" I spit out.

"Ok then, well what do you need?" She asks, as if everything's fine now that I'm not a criminal, a father, or a queer.

"Well, um, so, uhhhhh" I mumble, not knowing how to start. My mom just looks at me expectantly.

"So well, um," I let out a long sigh and then,


My mom looks at me, bewildered. "Michael, honey, I didn't understand any of that, repeat yourself and this time don't talk like a 4-year-old boy in speech therapy."

"I found Eleven, mom. She's behind that door. Eleven! Come out here! Mom, her disappearance was the reason I was depressed for the last 2 years and she's back now and she has no place to stay." At this point, Eleven has emerged from her hiding place and is standing right next to me. My mom looks positively dumbfounded.

"Um, uh." Now it's my mom's turn to stutter. I take her speechlessness as a way to get what I want.

"Please, mom. We can't just kick her out on the street." My mom just tersely nods.

"You promise and you'll never change your promise?" My mom tersely nods again, still in a state of shock.

"Well great! We can go shopping this weekend! Thanks mom!" I kiss her on the cheek, grab El's hand, and run downstairs.

I know that the minute mom regains her senses I will be asked thousands of questions. Where did you find her, why were you out at night, Michael, we can't just take in another girl, this takes planning, you found a science experiment in the woods and now you want us to house her like it's no big deal.

I know her asking these questions is logical and I know that randomly taking in another child shouldn't be so, well, random but I really don't care. I know that I'll convince mom because I know that deep down, she cares about my happiness more than her reputation and she's a good mother and in the end, she'll make the decision that's best.

She'll let us keep El.

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