Chapter the Eighth

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Third Person

Mike, El, and Max did not communicate after the whole meltdown due to awkwardness. They simply ignored each other's existence until at long last they finally had to come together after Will called a "family meeting" to discuss "important revelations."

So as Will, Max, Lucas, El, and Mike all sat around Lucas's living room, a blanket of silence fell over them all, occasionally broken by Lucas trying in vain to make small talk.

Finally Dustin arrived and bee lines straight towards Will where he told him, "Will, look at me. We. Are. Not. Relatives. Stop trying to make is blood related."

Will simply ignored him and turned to the now full group.

"So I called this family meeting-" Dustin rolled his eyes "so that we could discuss college things. Well personal college things. But like college nonetheless. But like-"

"Spit it out man!" Lucas shouted

"I don't want to go to college in New York with you anymore." Will breathed.

And everyone in the room signed in relief as they all said in unison, "Oh good, I don't want to either."

They all looked around at each other, confused until Lucas asked, "wait none of us want to go to college in New York anymore?"

"Will, where do you want to go?" El offered as if trying to make sense of the situation.

"RISD. It stand for Rhode Island School of Design, it's the best art school in the country. It's in Providence."

"Providence!? I want to go to Brown! We'll be together!" Max shouted and the two jumped up and hugged each other, squealing.

"That is, if I get in of course. Brown isn't a super easy school to just waltz into." Max said after the commotion had died down.

"Oh shut up Max, you're the smartest of us all." Mike said, looking at the floor.

"Um did you see El's SAT score? I would beg to differ."

"Yeah where are you going, El?" Lucas asked.

El looked down and blushed, rubbing the carpet with her feet.

"Um well I know I'll never get in and it's kind of the nerd cliche but um...Harvard."

Will whooped and the rest of them clapped.

"You'll totally get in." Mike said to El, the awkwardness between them not nearly as thick as the awkwardness between Mike and Max.

"So what about you Lucas?" El asked.

"Vanderbilt." He said matter-of-factly.

"Simple, good school, suits you, I like it!" Max announced and the group moved onto Mike.

"Northwestern." He responded, smiling at the thought of the school. Lucas also smiled and patted him on the back, saying "good choice man." And then their eyes all fell on Dustin

"Well first of all guys, I don't really want to study science anymore but um film. And then I fell in love with this school that also happens to have the best film program in the country and well, USC." Dustin rushed out, looking worried.

"That's great so what's wrong?" El asked. However, Mike and Max, both very educated in the college world, knew exactly what was wrong.

"USC SCA (school of cinematic arts) is the hardest school to get into in the country. Like harder than Harvard or Brown or anything. It's acceptance rate is 3% I think." Mike muttered softly.

"Actually it's 2%." Dustin commented and silence once more blanketed everyone as they realized their dreams just might not come true. They never do anyway.

Until Will erupted in laughter. "Guys, it's break, Christmas is in 4 days, and we either already turned in our application or are way heavily procrastinating," at this point he gave Lucas a look knowing he was infamous for waiting till the last minute. "So let's just enjoy each other's company before going all apocalyptic and gloomy on me here."

And within minutes, largely due to El's supernatural help, Christmas music was playing on the piano, hot chocolate was in everyone's hand, and the idea of a guaranteed separated future was pushed further into the backs of their minds.

so first of all I know y'all hate me for not updating but I was on spring break. and i'm sorry if you feel like i write about college too much but i'm trying to be realistic and write about the stress we're all feeling. so sorry, i know this one was pretty boring but it'll get exciting, I promise

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