Chapter the Third

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alright guys, so as you soon will be able to tell, im beginning to like fall in love with this love triangle myself so you might have to be patient as i write this out of my system. mileven will still be number one but just be prepared for a lot max/dustin/lucas in the following chapters that will die down later

Third Person

It was a sleepover. Yes, 4 guys and 1 girl were having a sleepover in the basement of the school sweetheart but it was nothing out of the ordinary for them. None of them were interested in parties or anything. Will was a recluse, Mike couldn't focus, Dustin and Lucas already had their sights on someone, and they all tried to prevent Max from going to social gatherings because she got mad way too easily.

So here they were, sitting on the floor, rewatching The Goonies and eating popcorn, gossiping or well, their version of gossiping.

"So Will, I saw this pretty hot guy walk into the art class the other day. What do you think?" Max nudged, giggling. Will's face lit up red. Dustin and Lucas too but for a different reason.

"Guys, I'm not gay, how many times do I have to tell you?"

"But are you Will? Are you really heterosexual? I mean, we won't judge if you aren't. It's 1988, the world's modernizing." Dustin argued, also nudging Will.

"Guys, I just, look, just, I don't know, just, like, guys, but, no, cause, like, yes, but, no, just, UGH SHUT UP!" Will yelled, causing everyone else to roll back in laughter. Max gave Will a quick hug laughing an apology and teasing his red face.

"So Max," Lucas burst in, desperate to address the worst case of friendzoning ever. "how's that new dog? Billy beat it up yet?"

"Ugh tell me about it," Max rolled her eyes, "not that I know of though I won't be surprised to come home to it hiding in the cage and Billy black out drunk from another party or whatnot."

Dustin hugged her and Lucas glared at him. "Step down man" he muttered through his teeth. Dustin glared back. Max laughed "What's going on between you two? You've been acting weirder than normal lately."

"That's just because they've gotten sloppier at hiding it" I muttered to Will. He chuckled and began to say, "Max, it's about time you knew something. Dustin and L-"

"Dustin and Luke from the baseball team both have a crush on Jessica."

Max gasped and Dustin grimaced, knowing the only way to back out was to confess and there's no way that's happening. Lucas sported a smug smile and nodded at Dustin. "Yeah, he was too scared to admit it."

"Dustin that's great! I'm so glad you finally like someone. You know Jessica's great, you totally deserve each other, she would be lucky to have you! If you're as great as a boyfriend as you are a friend well then, she's in for a treat." Dustin looked as though he were in physical pain, trying his hardest to hold back tears as he tersely nodded and gave death stares to Lucas who was trying to hold in his laughter in the corner. "Alright guys, I'm going to the bathroom, why? I need to change my tampon!" Max laughed as they all recoiled in disgust. "Ah, I love having all male friends." She said to herself as she walked away.

The second she was out of earshot, Dustin and Lucas were at each other's throats.

"You fucking douche, how dare you. Look, she doesn't like you, she never will, leave her alone."

"Hey, I have more of a chance than you, you look like a pre-pubescent groundhog."

And then Dustin leaped onto Lucas and began wrestling. Mike and Will jumped up and began to pry them apart, sadly not for the first time. Max left the bathroom, taken aback by the scene in front of her.

"Guys, hey, GUYS! What the fuck are you doing? Dustin, Lucas explain yourself, remember I punched Matthew in the nuts earlier today in the middle of the cafeteria, I'm not afraid to do it right now." Of course Mike remembered that moment. Matthew was whispering sleezy stuff about Max and staring straight at parts of her he should not be staring at. Max was clearly trying to get him to bug off so she could finish getting her lunch but he wasn't going anywhere. The 4 boys sat and watched, already having gotten their lunch and sat at the regular table. Both Lucas and Dustin's knuckles were whitening around their lunch tray and Lucas looked as though he were about to cry and Dustin actually broke his lunch tray. And they weren't alone. Mike and Will were also death-glaring Matthew, dreaming of punching his face in for trying to go anywhere near their dear friend.

As they all were about to get up and go protect their one female (Max was their only girl friend though so they didn't exactly know how to handle a douchebag trying to stick his hand up their friends shirt) Max gave Matthew and sickly sweet smile and then punched him in the nuts, right in front of the entire school. It wasn't really anything new but the guys were still overcome with pride. However, they shut up when Max sat down and ignored the fact it ever happened, immediately starting to talk about how annoying their math teacher was.

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