Chapter the Fifth

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Third Person

Lucas looked confused, wondering what he had done wrong. Mike was standing in the corner of the bedroom, eyes red and ears ringing. And Will looked both utterly sad and so, so confused. Max was tough, she could handle herself. And Max was smart, easily on par with the boys sometimes even higher. So even if Max did like Lucas she wouldn't have gotten drunk just to make out with him, but then why couldn't she have stopped it from happening?

As Will analyzed the situation a fight started in the living room and the crowd moved there leaving only Lucas, Will, and Mike sitting in a strangers bedroom in silence. And of course Max, so drunk she was just muttering nonsense to herself.

As they all sat in silence, Dustin came by, calling the names of the guys, asking when they wanted to go and informing them that he had been looked for them for the last half hour. As he came to the room he was taken aback by the scene before him.

Mike standing in the corner of a bedroom, eyes looking like they wanted to murder. Lucas sitting in a chair at the foot of a bed, looking very confused. And Will in a chair by the door, tears on his cheeks. And of course, the girl Dustin was in love with herself, black out drunk, lying on a strangers bed, staring at the ceiling.

Unfortunately, Dustin was smart and he knew his friends well. So he began to piece things together and with the help of Will whispering bits of the story in his ear, he ended up hearing the whole thing.

A look of terror passed over Dustin's face. He walked over to Max first and stroked her hair, asking her if she was okay. Of course, Max was too drunk to respond so Dustin just kissed her on the forehead and stood up. He walked over to where Lucas was sitting and in a cold voice, very, very unlike Dustin he gave him a chilling command.

"Stand up."

Lucas slowly began to get up until he came face to face with Dustin himself. Dustin was silent for a second, staring at his face until out of nowhere he punched Lucas in the nose. Lucas fell, clutching his bleeding nose as Dustin shook his hand off and walked out of the room.

Will's head fell in his hands a bit more and Mike suddenly stormed out of the bedroom, out of the house, and into the street, walking quickly and angrily in the middle of the road.

Suddenly he felt himself run into something and he yelled "Hey! Watch wh-" until he caught sight if who he ran into to. A girl, skinny, slightly tall, mousy brown short hair and brown eyes. Her features were soft and cute and she looked like she didn't belong at a high school party either.

"I'm sorry, I don't believe we've met. I'm Mike and you are?"

"Jane. Jane Ives."

guuuys I have readers from all around the world this is so cool thank you so much yall are awesome

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