Chapter the Twelfth

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Mike's POV

I wake up slowly, blinded by a bright light shining directly on me. I'm disgruntled for a second before realizing the light was the sun. I'm in the school parking lot.

I check my watch. 12:42 P.M. I vaguely remember checking my watch to see 12:37 so it's only been 5 minutes. Suddenly, everything starts to come back. The hooded figures, the running outside, doctor Brenner's voice. I sit up quickly and look around, turning my head at a break-neck speed to see if he's anywhere close. When I don't see anything I stand up slowly and make my way inside of the school, opening the door to normal students, normally getting ready for their normal class in 3 minutes. I furrow my eyebrows and spot Jane, talking to Dustin by her locker. I walk over to them and she greets me, asking what happened at lunch.

"Oh nothing, I just felt sick and had to get some fresh air, I'm fine though." I can tell she doesn't believe me by the look she gives but she doesn't question me further and we drop the topic.

Throughout the day however, I constantly hear whispers around me, sometimes in the voice of Dr. Brenner, but most of the times not. At one point I want to cover my ears with my hands and scream as loud as possible but no one around me seems to be suffering.

This continues for weeks.

It's now been about of month of this with no end in sight. I can't go to sleep at night, I can't focus on my classes, I can't do anything. I'm utterly helpless.

I become paranoid, doing a 360 degree turn in every room I walk into to check for hostile characters. I begin to see the hooded figures nearly daily and I have no idea what's happening. And then comes the worst day of them all.

The voices were becoming loud so I raised my hand to go to the nurse and left class. The hallways were empty, I was all alone. And then I saw her.

El, still 12 years old, standing in the middle of the hallway, blood gushing from her nose and her eyes, mouth agape mid scream, eyes crying for help, skin flaking away like the Phoenix from my comic books.

"EL" I screamed and rushed to help her, barely catching her as she drops to the floor.

"El, El, it's me, it's Mike." I choke out, cradling her head in my hand.

"Mike," She croaks out. "Mike, h-h-how...."

"How what?" I beg, tears beginning to leak from my eyes.

"How could you?" She chokes out. My mouth falls open and I try to gasp out a question but I couldn't.

"Y-you killed m-m-me Mike. You s-stopped l-l-looking. L-let him take m-me."

My mouth moves up and down wordlessly, gaping like a fish. "No." I finally manage to say, tears now full on streaming down my face.

"Y-your fault." She whispers and then she closes her eyes, her hand slowly falling off her stomach.

I open my eyes and Jane's arms are around me, cradling me as I sob into her shirt. I can feel her own hot tears falling onto my head, her mouth whispering comfort into my ears. She helps me up and somehow we're walking out of the school and then, without me ever even realizing we were walking, we're in an abandoned park, sitting on the swings. She takes a deep breath before saying,

"You don't me as Jane Ives." She says. I turn to her, giving her a stare, not fully preparing myself for what comes next.

"You know me as Eleven, the girl you found in the woods."

And then she reaches into her eye and seems to pluck at it before I realize she's taking out blue colored contacts. And then she reaches on top of her head and pulls off a wig, revealing shorter, lighter brown hair. She turns to me and I fall out of my swing.

guys one. more. chapter. shits about to get REAL

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