Chapter the Fourth

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Mike's POV

After Lucas and Dustin had left in a fearful rush, El, Max, Will, and I were left in a slightly less stressed mood.
"So, now that the crazies are gone, can we meet him?" El asked. Max blushed.
"Actually........there are two hims." She muttered.
"OOOOOH Max you player!!" Will yelled as we all laughed.
"Wow Max, you're really gettin' it on aren't you?" I tease. She just laughs and rolls her eyes.
"They're both students at the local college. Matthew's out of town but I can call Joshua if you want."
"Ooh, Matthew and Joshua, interesting. Yeah, call him."
20 minutes later we heard the doorbell ring. El went to open it and was greeted by a boy. An incredibly attractive boy. Like, incredibly.
El walks over to me and whispers in my ear, "you know I may have to leave you for him." I feign hurt and she laughs, kissing my cheek.
Max walks up to Joshua and gives him a quick peck before looking at us all saying, "guys, Joshua, Joshua, my friends." We all nod and say hello and Joshua responds in a friendly way. So far he's off to a good start.
We all sit down in the living room and start to talk. Turns out he's majoring in organic chemistry and is from Pawnee (yeah guys), a town just north of Hawkins.
"So, Joshua, what are your intentions with our girl here?" Will jokes in a fatherly tone. Even with his humorous attitude though, I could still tell he was sizing up Joshua, and that something wasn't right.
"Well sir, only pure things and I definitely don't plan on angering her so much to get a black eye like that one you have there." He responds in a joking southern accent.
"How'd you know it was Max?" Will asks.
"Took an educated guess." Joshua responds, shrugging.
We continue talking, Will asking questions that seem normal to a stranger but I, his best friend of 12 years, could easily see was an interrogation.
I kept eyeing him until he eventually whispered in my ear, "something's up." I simply nod and give El and a look which she immediately understands. She nods and gives me a look that I easily interpret as, "I got this."

"Mike, I'm breaking up with you."

The room falls silent. I quickly look at El with eyes that say "oh so that's the diversion you were going for." She gives me a quick apologetic smile before glaring at me to sell the act.
"I should go." Joshua mutters and Max nods, giving us skeptical looks as she slowly gets up to walk Joshua to the door.
"Alright, I know you two aren't breaking up so what the fuck is happening? Why'd you want him out of here?" She yells the minute she gets back. We all look at Will who sighs.
"Max honey, your boy is gay." He lets out.
After a moment of silence I burst into laughter. "Oh Max, looks like you're choosing Matthew! God this is hilarious! Oh my god!" I say between laughs, tears streaking out of my face.
El simply has tentative smile and Max looks dumbfounded. She starts to protest but you can see in her eyes she's putting the pieces together.
"Oh my god." She whispers.
"So now that that's covered can I have him? Cause I mean I think we all can agree, that boy is nice looking." Will asks, laughing. Max simply gives him a go ahead hand motion, her eyes still wide.

this was a short lil fun thing to gear you for the angst about to come.
also have any of you read the book everything everything? cause i loved that book and i learned through an add on snapchat that there's a movie and i'm psyched now and I NEED TO DISCUSS

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