Chapter the Twelfth

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Mike's POV

Today's the day. The boys and I have been working on this nonstop going through ideas quicker than Will goes through Clash songs. We eventually settled on dinner at home, not too much but simple and meaningful, like her. We cooked everything, decorated the table, planned what I'm going to say. In fact, I'm shocked the boys are even doing this rather than watching on the side lines and making fun of me.

We have discovered that Lucas has a secret, innate cooking ability so we set him to work on the food. Will was in charge of decoration because of his art talents and Dustin and I planned what I was going to say. We frantically coordinated the entire evening until finally, precisely at 7 P.M, the doorbell rang.

Nancy was aware of the whole plan so she took El out and got her dressed up. Mom's out with her friends and who knows where Dad is. Nancy said she would go hang out with Jonathan because Steven is out of time and come back around 9:30.

When the doorbell rang the boys immediately assembled and filed out through the backdoor. Nancy was going to take them all to the Byers' with her. I dusted off my jacket, did a last minute check of the dining room, and walked over to open the door.

El was standing on the porch in a light blue, velvet dress with small black heals and her hair pushed back with a matching black headband. She looked beautiful. I stood there for a second without saying anything, my mouth just stupidly open. El giggled and looked at me.

"Y-y-you l-look g-great-t" I stuttered, not able to speak properly. El smiled. "You too." I stood there for a second, still dumbfounded until sense rushed back into me and I ushered her into the house. When she walked into the dining room, her face was overcome with aw.

"Beautiful," she muttered. I smiled, glad she liked it and then pulled out her chair, taking the one next to it.

We talked and ate and laughed all night long. It was incredible. I couldn't imagine a better first date. Finally, as Lucas's delicious food began to run low I took in a deep breath and gulped.

"So u-um El, w-well I kind of w-wanted to a-a-ask you something?" El nodded at me to go one, ignoring my stuttering.

"Ok well you've been back for a while now and it's been the best month of my life. These last 2 years of utter misery have been worth it because I finally found you. Anyway, I really like you, maybe even love and I know that's weird for people our age to say but I feel like we have different case. Well, I was sort of wondering if you would, I don't know, um, be my, well, uh, g-girlfriend?" There was a deafening silence at first and I could feel myself getting smaller and smaller and smaller. But I was right that Nancy had taught El what girlfriend and boyfriend was and I was right that I thought she would say yes because she leaned over and connected her lips to mine.

It was incredible. I felt my body light on fire and sparks shoot down to my fingertips. It only lasted about 3 seconds but it was everything. As we both pulled away and looked at each other we were quiet for about a few seconds and then both erupted into laughter. My heart was warm and full, I was with the girl I love, and everything was perfect.

When Nancy got back we were sitting on the couch, her head nestled into my arm, watching the T.V. Nancy smiled and asked how it went. I told her everything.

As it began to get late I nudged El who was beginning to fall asleep.

"El, hey we should probably go to bed now okay?"

"Yes, mike" she responded.

We were getting up when we heard a banging at the door. I looked at El confused and then at the door. Mom was staying at her friends, Dad never comes home to begin with, and it was 11 P.M. I walked over, swung open the door, and was immediately greeted with the barrel of a gun.

And then everything went black.

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