Chapter the First

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Third Person

Mike Wheeler was clueless. Clueless about the rest of the world, clueless about his sex appeal, and clueless about the fact that everyone in school was in love with him. He may have looked weird as a child but he sure did grow up nicely. He grew into his larger nose and mouth, his hair looks like the darkest part of the night in contrast with his pale, pale skin, he's even taller than he was when he was 14 (he's now 6'2), and he's still skinny but in a more athletic way. But most of all, his attitude is what has gained him his followers.

No one knows how but the whole "suffering" things really works for Mike. He's mysterious, nice but sad, and pining after a long-lost love which just makes it hotter. No one knows his story. All they know was that in junior high he was constantly angry and always sad, then he was elated for a month and then he went into a coma for 2. He emerged in an even worse state of depression. This time he wasn't rash and violent, he's actually incredibly kind but mainly because he gave up. He will smile at you and help you with your books but his eyes have not been alive for 3 years.

He still has friends. In fact, the same friends. With a new addition of a sassy red head who now lives across the street from Mike and is unknowingly caught in a love triangle with 2 of his 3 male friends.

No one would've expected it, but Lucas grew up nice. Rather than the player vibe he sported for a second back in freshmen year he now has more a boy-next-door attitude, and girls love him for it.

And Mike's not the only one who grew up well. All of Dustin's teeth grew in, he began to work out so the baby fat turned into lean muscle, and he grew. While he isn't necessarily a player either, he does his fair share of winking across the halls at girls just because he knows it will make them weak in the knees.

However, neither of them are doing anything we anyone anytime soon. Both Dustin and Lucas are utterly, impossibly in love with Max and she has absolutely no idea. Mike and Will often end up finding themselves the middle man in situations involving the infamous love triangle and are both quite exasperated. They are both also surprised by the fact that a girl who's probably punched 3 guys this week has attracted the attention of 2 of some of the most crushed on guys at school but despite that, they know she's a great girl and they feel like Dustin and Lucas chose the right gal to war over. Besides, despite the fact that 2 of the relationships might be loving, they're all still best friends.

And while Dustin and Lucas might be contenders in "the most crushed on guys at school" Mike has still somehow soared past the football players, the geniuses, the do-gooders, the rebels as number one and yet he is completely clueless of it all. Of course all of his friends notice when Mike walks through the doors of the school, eyes downcast and backpack slung over one shoulder, and all of the girls start giggling, whispering, and pointing. And Mike dabbled in dating a year or two ago, even sleeping with a few girls per advice of the guys to "move on." But it didn't work and besides giving the select few the ability to brag about having sex with "the mike wheeler," causing friends to smile supportively while in reality they're choking on jealousy, the project was not a success.

So here Mike was, unwittingly causing girls to melt and guys to envy, clueless of it all because one little girl who went missing 3 years ago.

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