Chapter the Twelfth

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Mike's POV

Usually El and I sit up front while the others sit in the back few rows, but not this time. As El and I wordlessly packed up the van, she took a seat in the back leaving Will to sit in the passenger seat. The others pretended not to notice though the mix-up led to a long, awkward silence that took up a good duration of the car drive.

Finally, Dustin broke the silence by asking, "guys, it's 1989, a new decade is starting. What's it gonna be like? Opinions, go."

El stared first. "I think it's gonna be like the 70s. A lot of drugs, sex, and terrible outfits. Colors everywhere and basically just 10 years worth of regret."

"Wow fun, Will?" Dustin asks.

"Super scientific. A lot of discoveries in the intellectual area cause I mean, if we want time travel by 2010 we gotta start working on the basic research now. It's gonna be like the new Enlightenment."

Max nods to Will's theory before starting her own. "I think we're gonna go back to the social structure of absolutism. Like we won't have a monarch but definitely a great divide in the classes. Super elitist and everything cause I mean everyone's so sick of the economy the people who can are just gonna take everything for themselves."

"Depressing. Anyone else want to make a guess?"

Lucas jumps in, "I think it's gonna be the era of like grunge. Like rock but dirtier and more complaining. Like piercings and dyed hair and emo bands and it's definitely gonna center around the teenage generation. Music will totally take the stronghold but they're gonna be a lot of movies too, the horror movies are gonna be the best though. Oh and Gore will run for president and get the popular vote."

There was a moment of silence throughout the car before Dustin finally broke it, saying "C'mon Lucas. Actually try."

"Yeah Lucas, put in a little effort." Max agrees with El adding on, "We were actually saying serious things, don't say ridiculous ideas to be funny."

"What guys no, I think it's plausible!" Lucas argues but the rest just silence him, discussing the rest of their ideas for the future.

So while Lucas may feel spurned, at least the awkward silence didn't last long. And with them, it never does.

After we arrived and checked into our hotel, we were all famished so Dustin and Will, the planners of the friend group, took the liberty to lead us to our first restaurant. The sidewalk however could only hold 2 in a row so El took it as an opportunity to hash things out with me.

"So I assume you know what I'm going to ask you for?" El inquires, as she walks beside me.

"Yeah, you're gonna ask me to forgive you."

"Um no, I was going to ask for an apology and you better make it real good now."

"Why would I apologize? I'm in the right." I say, my head looking straight out rather than her furious expression.

"Oh? Oh, you're in the right? Okay, I'll be sure to remember that when Max fucking dies."

"Yeah if Max dies, it won't be because of me." I say, turning to look at her pointedly.

"Oh ok, so not only were you being a douche already, you just insinuated that I'll be the reason our best friend kicks it. This is just great."

At this point I stop completely and turn to face her, ignoring the annoyed shouts I receive from all those walking behind me.

"Look, El, you're not better than me. You've thought that our entire relationship and you sure as hell think that now."

"Oh Mike, trust me, this is the first time I've ever thought I was better than you."

I let out a frustrated yell and clench my fists.

"Mike," she says, eyebrows furrowed in her tell-tale sign of exasperation. "Shouldn't we be able to work together on this?"

"Maybe." I mumble.

"And since we can't, does it say something about us as a couple?"

"Maybe." I answer again.

"Then maybe we should break up."

And as my stomach hurtles towards the ground like a falling star, shocked out of its brilliance, all I can say is, "Maybe."

And then it's all over as Will comes jogging up to us, staring at both of our dumbfounded expressions before saying, "Idiots, I've been calling you guys for the last 5 minutes. Anyway, we get it, y'all have marital issues but can you please get your head out of the cloud of self-obsession cause we've got bigger fish to fry." And we follow his gaze to see Max, half conscious, collapsed across the sidewalk.

i know this chapter is hella sucky and i know i haven't updated in a blue moon, i know, i'm really sorry. anyway this chapter is dedicated to bethanyandoko cause she's one awesome bamf and go read her story. like read it. like i'm not kidding, it's the greatest literary masterpiece of the millennium. i can feel y'all glancing over this. read it.

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