Chapter the Thirteenth

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Mike's POV

I start to question it but then I realize, it all makes sense. So I simply say one word.


She smiles before telling me,

"Well the logistics are a story for a different time but I escaped about a year ago and then I had to stay in hiding for a number of months where I stayed with a family of government officials who taught me how to speak, how to be a teenager, all of those things. But the escape, well it turns out I'm a bit more powerful than we had previously believed. Actually, we don't really know the extent of my power. But um, well, I didn't open the gate to the Upside Down, I created the upside down, I created the monster, and I've apparently created other worlds. I can kill people with my mind, I can control people with my mind, I can create and destroy at will, I can manipulate the universe, and I'm sorry but I've manipulated you."

I don't respond so she simply sighs and continues, her throat getting scratchy, fingers drumming slowly against the chain link rope connecting the swings to the cold, iron structure.

"He," she starts, beginning to get teary, "he put me in these, these tanks. The ones I told you about? And he, he made me go into this place and within that place I began to face my subconscious. I was so terrified and my mind was so powerful that I began to create an entire world where my subconscious could dwell, blocked off from all humanity. And all was well and good until I broke open the barrier between the worlds and my subconscious was freed. And well, because it was me, I was the only once who could defeat it. And I did, but technically I was literally destroying my mind and in doing so I had to destroy myself. So yes, my subconscious was the demogorgon. And yes I did technically die that day, because I killed myself, but I was so powerful that I could not die and instead I retreated into my own mind and stayed there, in my world, the Upside Down, for a few months. I regained strength and woke up. I found Hopper, he helped me find a place to stay and that was that. Except as I grew up, I began to notice that I was getting more and more powerful. If I wanted it to rain, then it did, if I wanted to go back in time to fix some mistake, I could, on and on and on. And sometimes I did things by accident. Mike... Mike, I made Lucas betray you." She uttered, tears now pouring down her face.

"I, I was at that party, and I heard some guys talking about 'getting that red head drunk to sleep with her' and well I tried to stop it but I accidently just took over Lucas's mind and made him do it and I'm so, so sorry. I could sense that he was truly nice, I knew that he had matured and I didn't know how to fix it so I tried to leave and I was walking home when I ran into you and then I just couldn't leave."

At this point my mouth is agape, both of us sobbing as we purge our emotions, in a cathartic storm of feelings.

"And Mike, there's more. I made you hear his voice, I was hearing it and I just had so many feelings for you I accidently made you hear them too and I could tell you were hearing them because, because I can read your emotions and I'm sorry for not telling you earlier. And, and I made you see her or well me, or us. I made you see El on the floor because I couldn't help it, I just wanted to tell you so badly I ended up doing so indirectly. And I made Max get with Dustin. She's secretly liked Lucas this entire time and I felt so bad for Dustin after everything you told me that night at the party so I just, well, made her have artificial feelings for Dustin. And, and I hated you being so clueless and I wanted to tell you that I liked you so I just created that note with my mind and made you and Dustin and Lucas and Max see it. And when you went to go decline that 10th grader, I just created a girl and made you see her. She wasn't real and neither was the note. I'm so so sorry, Mike, please, forgive me."

I stand up slowly, keeping eye contact with Jane the entire time. I walk over to her, my face emotionless, and hold out a hand to help her off her swing. She smiles, sensing a good reaction.

"Jane, El, whatever I call you-"

"Call me El," she interjects.

"Fine then, El." I pause before saying, "How fucking dare you. How dare you lie to me and to my friends for this long. How dare you make us trust you before you go in and FUCK EVERYTHING UP. You played Lucas, Dustin, Max, Me, I mean you must've done something to Will, come out with it."

The smile dissolves from her face as I burst out at her and she breaks into tears.

"I-I-I tried to help him come to terms with everything's that's g-g-going on with him right now and so I created a guy who he's been seeing for about the last two months and he loves him and I didn't r-realize it would go this far a-and I was p-p-planning on telling him the guy isn't real tomorrow."

"YOU MADE WILL FALL IN LOVE WITH A FIGMENT OF YOUR IMAGINATION, YOU MADE HIM THINK HE WAS REAL?!" I bellow, my voice echoing over the empty park, filling every corner.

"Mike, I'm so sorry." She whispers trying to grab my hand. I forcefully rip it out of her grip.

"Don't touch me" I spit, glaring at her. "You've made us all go through hell and, based on what you're saying, it's only gonna get worse when we all realize WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO US."

"Mike..." She pleads, tears coating her face, her mouth half-open.

"And all the voices, you made them too?"

"What are you talking about Mike, I only made you hear Dr. Brenner." She says, staring at the ground.

"Oh so all of the voices, all of the hooded figures who keep following me everywhere, those are just figments of my imagination."

"Mike," She says, no longer crying, her face now etched with an expression of confusion and concern. "Mike, I never created any hooded figures."

End of Part II

get wrecked, son

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