The End

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So first of all, I decided against publishing my epilogue. I liked the ending and I don't want to drag this out. So I'm sorry if you turned to this chapter hoping for that but in a literary sense, it's for the best.

So, thank you all for reading this book and following this journey with me. When I published the first chapter of this book, nay the first part, I only had about 200 reads. And now to be nearing 40,000 is insane, I never had any idea it would come to this. So thank you all, you make up some of the finest people I've ever interacted with and even if I never responded to your comment, trust me, I read it and I laughed out loud. You guys are amazing, keep wattpad cool.

But on the topic of wattpad (sort of), I've published a new a story. If you don't like fillie don't read it, if you don't like AUs don't read it, and if you don't like boarding schools don't read it. But if you like one or all of those things, go check it out! It's called St. Williams Academy, and I'm real excited about it.

This story was fun, but, as Max said, nothing can last forever. See y'all on the other side.

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