chapter 1: With Noah's help

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Rachel wasn't just looking for some silly guy who could hit a drum set and call that playing; she wanted to find someone who was passionate about playing and could make her passionate about it too. The problem was, how could she find him, or her? Noah! They haven't kept in too much contact since they graduated but they were best friends in high school and she knew that he was in his fair share of bands trying to find the right one. She took out her phone, found his name and pressed call.

"Hello?" answered an exhausted man.

"Hi Noah? It's me, Rachel! I hope this isn't a bad time." she responded enthusiastically.

"Rachel? Long time no talk, babe! Nah, this is a great time, just finished rehearsal. Found a sick new group! How are you?"

"I'm great, Noah! But speaking of bands, I was wondering if I could ask for the smallest of favours."

"Sure, whatever you need. You know you're my girl, Rach." responded Noah.

"I was wondering if you know any drummers who are willing to teach me a thing or two. I would love to try my hand at the instrument! But I need this teacher to really love what he's teaching me" exclaimed Rachel, beaming at the idea of her plan coming together.

"Hmmm I think I know just the guy. You still live in New York right? I think I might know a guy over there. How bout you let me make a call and ill let you know, babe?"

"Oh my goodness! Thank you so much Noah! You are amazing! Next time you're in New York please come visit me! I miss you!" squeaked Rachel, while jumping into the air with enthusiasm. She was going to do it! She was going to learn how to play the drums and maybe bring some more life into her life.

"No problem, my hot Jewish American princess. I'll definitely take you up on that offer soon. I miss you too. Bye, Rach."

"Bye, Noah." replied Rachel before hanging up the phone. Things were looking up and she could feel it. Hmmm maybe the teacher would be cute? No! She couldn't think that way. This needed to be professional. Knowing Puck, it was probably some drummer from an old band that loves to party and sleep with random girls. And that was definitely not what she needed in her life; another heartbreak.

But putting that aside, she began to anticipate a phone call from Puck with more information. She looked over at the clock on her kitchen counter and she realized that she was running late. She needed to hurry and catch the next bus to her theatre or she would be late for rehearsals. She ran to her closet and slipped on her favourite pair of blue jeans and her baby blue baggy sweater. She then pulled her hair into a quick messy bun, grabbed her wallet and purse of the kitchen table and headed for the door.

This was their fifth time running over this song. She knew that the role of Wendy in the new Peter Pan musical would be a hard one but she didn't think her director would work her this hard. She was hitting every note perfectly but he always had a comment to make. Her great mood from that morning was turning sour very quickly. She was about to make a comment or two to her director when her phone started to ring. She gave an apologetic glance and ran to the lobby to answer it.

"Hello?" she answered

"Hey, Rach! So here's the deal; I talked to my guy and he said that he'd be happy to teach you. You guys will discuss his pay and practice times tonight at dinner. No buts. I've already set this up." said Noah quickly

"Thank you so much, Noah! When and where am I meeting this teacher? "

"7'o clock at Sardis. Don't be late. I'd love to chat some more, I've got to run. Bye, babe!"

"Wait! Before you hung up, what's his name?" asked Rachel quickly.

"Finn. Finn Hudson."

Sorry that these chapters have been so short, but I promise that they will get longer!. I also wanna apologize if it gets confusing to why Puck calls Rachel babe they aren't dating he just calls her that cause she's his best friend just like we some times we say I love you to ours when we're just friends and nothing more

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