Chapter 8: A Coffee and Dinner

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SO for all you people dying for some Finchel to happen... here you go! ENJOY!

Rachel sat in the coffee shop waiting anxiously for him to arrive. She wondered what would happen once he arrived. Would she just give him the money and leave? Should she stay and grab a cup with him? Different scenarios flew through Rachel's head causing her to become more anxious.

She looked down onto the table she was sitting at and started to read the latest articles in her favourite magazine. Just went she was about to turn the page, a large figure sat in the chair across from her and didn't move.

Rachel cautiously looked up and saw Finn grinning from ear to ear.

"Well hello there! Anything interesting in there, you seemed pretty absorbed."

Rachel blushed, "Just the on how to lose 10 pounds in 10 days and how to slim down your butt... you know? The usual garbage they throw into magazines these days," answered Rachel with a wink.

A waitress walked over to their table and asked if they'd like anything.

Before Rachel could get a chance to talk, Finn started ordering, "I'd like a large double double and she'll have..." Finn looked at her hoping she'd finish off where he started.

"And I'll have a skinny vanilla latte with some whipped cream on top," finished Rachel with a smile on her face.

The waitress walked away from their table, looking exhausted. She was probably there all day and just wanted to go home.

"So Rachel... I want to know... what's your favourite color?" asked Finn with a grin.

"Umm... you want to know my favourite color? It's blue but why do you ask?" replied Rachel, extremely curious to what he was getting at. She thought she was there to pay him.

"I expected you to be more of a pink girl... Well I realized that we've had a few lessons and even a dinner, but yet I still know nothing about you, except for that you love Broadway and that you want to play the drums."

"I thought you came to get paid," replied Rachel.

"Not really. I don't want your money, Rach. I didn't even give you a full lesson. I do think I'd be fun to get to know each other a bit though, if we're going to keep having lessons."

"Oh alright. Well, how about we play twenty questions?"

Rachel couldn't believe she just said that. Twenty questions? That was a children's game.

"That's a great idea! Okay! Where did you move to New York from?"

"Well, I grew up in a small town, Lima, Ohio. That's where Puck just flew back too. How about you?"

If Rachel wasn't staring into his beautiful brown eyes, she wouldn't have noticed the quick glimpse of sadness that washed across his face at the mention of Puck. It disappeared just as quickly, but Rachel caught it.

"Wow, very creative," commented Finn with a laugh, "I'm from Canada. Don't laugh...Okay, when did you move to New York?"

Rachel couldn't help but giggle. "A Canadian. That explains why you're such a gentleman," she replied with a wink, "When did you first realize that you loved music?"

"Hmm, better...when I was 10 years old. My mom raised me as a single mom, since my dad died when I was a baby and when I was 10 years old, she started dating this guy. We would hang out and he would get me to sing with him while we painted the grass. Yea, painted the grass. I realized that I loved to sing but I wanted to try my hand at an instrument, and one day he just brought me a drum kit. The drums and I have been inseparable ever since."

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