Chapter 3: Just One More Lesson

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Starts off with Finn's POV but then goes back to Rachel's after the jump.

Finn thought about her that night and all of the next day. He couldn't get her out of his mind. She was the most beautiful girl that he has ever seen, well other than his girlfriend Quinn... right? I mean Quinn was beautiful but Rachel just took his breath away when he met her that night at dinner. Her outfit fit her perfectly, accentuating every beautiful curve of her body. Her height was adorable and he could not stop looking at those big brown eyes of hers. It was like they were looking into his soul... in a good way.

Was it cheating when you thought about another girl instead of your girlfriend? Nah, it couldn't be, it's not like he kissed Rachel. Though he really wanted to know what those gorgeous pouty lips felt like. Stop! Ugh. He couldn't think this way.

Finn was in a committed relationship and has been for the past two years and this one girl was going to ruin everything. Or was she? No, of course she wasn't because Finn wasn't going to do anything about these weird feelings he was having.

The thing that confused him was the night of the lesson. Everything was going great, he was even bold enough to hold her while teaching her the basic beat that his past teachers taught him; well, without having their arms wrapped around him. Then all of a sudden, she rushed out the door like she had seen a ghost.

Maybe it was a bad idea to go on with the lessons. Sure, he needed some extra cash and this was an easy to way to get it but Finn was afraid that he wouldn't be able to control himself around her and ruin what he had with Quinn. If only she was here right now and not in Boston. He would look into her eyes and it would erase all thoughts of Rachel... Berry? I think that's what she said.

Quinn was going to be back in two weeks. Finn was sure that he could control himself until then and when Quinn returned he could decide whether or not to stop the lessons or continue. But why is it that he wanted to continue the lessons so badly?

Rachel knew that if she kept going to him for lessons that things would change from professional to romantic, and she couldn't take another heartbreak. Look at him! He probably had a girlfriend or a wife, for all she knew! What was she doing? Moving in on someone else's significant other... she was better than that. Thing was that her selfish side really wanted to continue the lessons because she really did want to learn how to play.

That's it. She was a great actress and she wanted to continue her education. Rachel was going to need to pull off one of her biggest roles. She was going to pretend that she had no interest in Finn whatsoever and concentrate on only the drums.

She pulled out her phone and dialed his number but there was no answer. So, she left a message.

"Hi Finn. It's Rachel Berry. Are we still on for a lesson tomorrow night? If so, please call me back."

And with that, all that was left was a reply. She hoped she didn't screw things up by leaving so abruptly the night before.

Finn was on his way back from the recording studio when his phone starts to ring. He picks it up and looks at the screen. Rachel Berry. He wasn't ready to pick it up so he let it go to voicemail and after a few minutes he checked it.

"Hi Finn. It's Rachel Berry. Are we still on for a lesson tomorrow night? If so, please call me back."

Great. So now it's up to him to decide whether or not they are going to continue with the lessons. He really thought that she was going to bail after the way she ran out the other night. Guess not. He might as well call her back. But what was he going to say? Just take the money, Finn.

He dialed her number and waited for an answer.


"Hi Rachel. Sorry I couldn't pick up before, my phone was on silent."

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