Chapter 16: Brother's Approval

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Though they had only been dating for three weeks, Finn felt like he had been in love with this girl for a long time. Yes, Finn had finally realized that he was in love with her. Many might argue that it was too quick but he just couldn't shake the feeling that Rachel was the girl that he was supposed to be with for the rest of his life. For that reason, Finn decided that he needed his brother to approve his girl. Kurt was always honest with Finn, and he knew that his step-brother would tell him if he found a flaw in the relationship.

For this to happen, Finn needed for his brother and girlfriend to meet. Luckily for Finn, Kurt was still going strong with Blaine so he could easily invite them for a double date. It helped that Kurt already knew of Rachel because of her reputation on Broadway. Heck, when he thought about it they were both quite alike, which meant that Kurt's had to approve!

Finn pulled out his cell phone and dialed his brother's number.

"Hello! Kurt Hummel speaking," answered a high-pitched voice.

"Kurt... hey! It's Finn. How are you?" asked Finn, wanting to ease into the invitation.

"I'm great! I've got an audition soon so I can't talk for long, but what's on your mind?"

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a double date with Blaine, Rachel, yourself and I. I think it's about time you meet my girlfriend," said Finn, smiling at the sound of the word 'girlfriend'.

"Obviously! I think it's only proper that I meet the girl that I helped my brother win back. When would you like this date to take place?"

"How about on Saturday at Sardis at 6? Rachel and I love that place and we always have date nights on Saturdays."

"Splendid!" replied Kurt, "Oh, they are calling me in! I will see you Saturday! Bye, Finn."

Finn heard the other line go dead, and he couldn't stop smiling.

Finn waited at his apartment, anxiously, for Rachel to arrive. He had told her that he had a surprise for her and for her to dress up a bit for their date. He had decided to not tell her about the double date, attempting to avoid putting any pressure on her. Finn had learned, that Rachel loves to make good impressions, and he didn't want her to stress over making an impression on Kurt. He thought that maybe if she didn't know about it, she'd be more herself.

Rachel arrived shortly and he didn't even give her time to come into the apartment before he was leading her outside. He had a cab waiting for them so that they would make it on time. Rachel had arrived a little later than he hoped, putting Finn on edge. He was the one that was under the most stress since he knew that if Kurt didn't like Rachel, he'd never hear the end of it.

After a quick cab ride to Sardi's, Finn rushed into the restaurant, with Rachel on his arm. He had reserved a table four under his name and he could already see Kurt and Blaine sitting at their table when they walked into the restaurant- being tall really did help when he needed to look for people.

He walked them over to the table, and introduced himself and Rachel, then pulled out the chair for Rachel and waited till she was seated. Finally, he took his own seat and was able to take a deep breath.

Finn looked over at Rachel and saw her displaying her show smile. He knew that she would be annoyed with him for the surprise (he had warned her) but she still wanted to make a good impression. He quickly took in the sight of his beautiful girlfriend dressed in a red dress that fit her perfectly, accentuating her small waist and bringing out the color of her skin. Her hair was curled and she looked perfect. A grin appeared on his face, when he thought about how this stunning girl was his.

He was so engrossed by his girlfriend's beauty that he didn't realize the silence that filled the table. So he decided to begin the conversation.

"So guys isn't this great? My beautiful girlfriend finally meeting my brother and his boyfriend," beamed Finn.

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