Chapter 26: Behind Closed Doors

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Tomorrow is going to be Rachel's opening night. She had been rehearsing for the past two months, and it was finally time for her to show off what she had been working so hard on. Rachel had struggled almost every day when she would wake up and realize that she had to spend the day with Jesse. At first, she would return home and would fly into Finn's arms, crying about how hard it was to be near him. Finn hated that period of time since he always felt like shit knowing that someone was hurting her and he couldn't do anything about it. Jesse was a jerk, but he wasn't causing Rachel's tears, it was Rachel letting her past consume her.

After the first month, Rachel slowly began to stop the tears and for the past week, she was completely fine. He felt like maybe this meant that she had finally gotten over the past but with Rachel, you never know.

Finn couldn't wait to see her perform the following night. Memories came to him from the night he went to see her in Peter Pan. How beautiful she looked and sounded. How happy she seemed. He remembered feeling her voice warm his heart.

He had decided that tomorrow night would be the night; he'd surprise Rachel with the car. This would be a huge moment for Rachel and wanted her arriving in a nice car. Finn had almost paid off the whole car - thank goodness for Matt who made him an amazing deal- so Rachel couldn't even refuse to accept it. Sure, it was a huge present even if they haven't reached their four months yet, but he didn't care.

Finn pulled out his phone and dialed Matt's number to prepare everything for tomorrow.

"Hello?" answered his friend.

"Hey, man! What's up?" asked Finn.

"Nothing, just in my office. How about you?" Matt replied.

"I'm at home, thinking 'bout the car. This leads me to my second question."


"Would you be able to make the car look perfect and then bring it over to my place tomorrow? I want to surprise Rachel," requested Finn.

"What's the big occasion? I thought you wanted to wait until it was all paid off?" asked, a confused Matt.

"It's her opening night and I think arriving in a car would just top her day," replied Finn, grinning at the image of her reaction. A part of him quickly thought of all the times she's "thanked" him.

"Alright, man. It'll be there 4 good?"

"Well we need to leave the house by 5, so it's definitely perfect. Thanks man!" said Finn.

"No problem! I'll see you tomorrow night."

"Bye, bro!" replied Finn, hanging up the phone after hearing Matt mimic his words.

He finished the conversation with a feeling of content. His plan was coming together and he just knew that he was going to make Rachel's day tomorrow.

They had to leave in an hour for the theatre. Rachel was in the bedroom getting ready and Finn was sitting on the couch, shaking anxiously. It was 4 o'clock and still no word from Matt about the car. He was getting extremely worried because if they didn't get the car, they wouldn't have a ride to the theatre; Finn hadn't called the taxi company. Kurt and Blaine were meeting them after they had dinner, so they couldn't get drive from them. Matt needed to be here ASAP or Finn was screwed.

As if he was reading his mind, Finn's phone went off.


"Hey, Finn! Come downstairs! I've got the car and the keys," ordered Matt, hanging up the phone once he was done.

Finn went over to the bedroom, knocked on the door, and told Rachel that he needed to run downstairs to check up on something. Before she had the change to ask what it was, Finn ran out of the apartment.

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