Chapter 27: Meet the Parents

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Rachel and Finn were in a good place in their relationship. Rachel had finished up her production not long ago, happy as ever, especially since Jesse was fired. Finn had made sure that Jesse would no longer be directing the musical after the incident in the dressing room. Finn was almost done his first album, with only some editing and back tracks to fix. Their lives were perfect at the moment.

They had celebrated their one year anniversary a few days prior. Finn had booked a weekend in a resort for the both of them. Rachel had insisted that they spend the daytime in a spa, getting pampered together. Finn obliged, just because it was their one year. He will admit that he had enjoyed himself, chatting with Rachel while getting a relaxing day. The Saturday night, they had gone to an extremely expensive restaurant for dinner, giving them the opportunity to get all dressed up. That just made it all the more fun to rip off all that fabric, that night.

On the Sunday night, after a day of splashing and swimming in the beautiful pool, they simply spent it cuddling up on their king sized bed, watching movies and talking. The couple had exchanged gifts that night, Finn giving her the necklace with the diamond heart on it, and Rachel giving him tickets to watch his favourite football team play. It was the perfect anniversary weekend for the both of them.

The only problem that weekend was that the discussion of meeting the parents. They had been postponing it for a long time but Rachel had insisted that they were at the point in their relationship, that it was needed. It wasn't that Finn didn't want to introduce her it was that Finn was afraid that his mom would get mad for waiting so long.

Though, just like with many other things, Rachel had convinced him. So he made the phone call when they got home. His mom was super excited to see him and his "special" friend, as he told her. It was going to be an interesting weekend.

Finn and Rachel were in the car, driving to his hometown. He was extremely nervous, but it was nothing compared to Rachel. She was terrified. What if Carole didn't like her? What if Carole didn't approve? She knew Finn was a momma's boy. If his mother didn't approve, there was no way Finn could be with Rachel. She just knew it.

They were sitting silently in the car, both immersing themselves in their thoughts. As Rachel stared out the window, watching the scenery as they drove by, she heard music filling the car. She turned to look at Finn, who had turned on the radio. He was humming along with the music, causing a huge grin to appear on Rachel's face.

"I love that song,"pointed out, Rachel. She began to hum along with him, their voices mimicking the music in unison. Finn pulled one hand off the steering wheel and placed it in between them, waiting for Rachel to link their fingers. She obliged, and they continued the drive with hands interlocked.

As the drive prolonged, they kept humming until one of Rachel's ultimate favourite love songs came on. She was just about to begin humming, when she heard Finn begin to sing.

Highway run, into the midnight sun
Wheels go round and round
You're on my mind

Rachel listened to his gorgeous voice and then began to join in.

Restless hearts, sleep alone tonight
Sending all my love along the wire

The couple then began singing in unison, creating beautiful music with their voices.

They say that the road
Ain't no place to start a family
Right down the line it's been you and me
And lovin' a music man ain't always what it's supposed to be
Oh boy, you stand by me
I'm forever yours

Finn squeezed her hand, when singing those words, making Rachel's heart flutter.

Circus life, under the big top world
We all need the clowns to make us smile
Oh, through space and time
Through space and time
Always another show
Wonderin' where I am, lost without you
And bein' apart ain't easy on this love affair
Two strangers learn to fall in love again
I get the joy of rediscovering you
Oh girl, you stand by me
I'm forever yours

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