Chapter 13 : Cafe Casineo

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Amber POV :

"What's wrong with me Amber? Like, is there something about me that makes every guy I meet take off without a legitimate explanation?" Kate asked in a panicky tone. I sighes. It had been an hour since Miguel left and all Kate had been talking non stop about was how she wasn't good enough for him. Feeling sorry for herself. 

"I'm clearly not good enough for-" I quickly cut her off, I had enough.

"Right, I'm sorry Kate. Are you going to sit here in a pool of your own misery feeling sorry for yourself for the rest of you life? It's doing my head in. When things go wrong in life, you have to do things to make it right. It's like when something goes wrong with your computer. You try different things to make it right again. I.e troubleshooting. So are you just gonna stay there and wait for Miguel? Because trust me, if you want him back you have to go after him. So go get changed, we're going to go find him. I don't care if you're not in the mood, I hate seeing you like this." And without letting her object, I dragged her upstairs and pushed her into her room to get changed. I then stood infront of the closed door, locking her in. She jiggled the handle in attempt to open the door but it doesn't work.

"Amber! Let me out! I'm not going out for him!" She shouted. I chuckled cockily.

"I'm not letting you out until you're dressed in appropriate clothing and ready to go after him." I saidd stubbornly. She sighed and I hear her opening a few drawers and sliding coat hangers in her wardrobe. I smiled. She'd finally actually done what I'd suggested. It was for her own good. A few minutes later there was a knock on her door.

"I'm ready." She murmured. I smiled proudly and opened the door. She was wearing a blue dress covered in daisies with a pair of white sandals. She looked amazing.

"We'll go to Josh's since he's good friends with Miguel. He might give us some ideas to where he could be okay?" I asked. She nodded and smiled sweetly at me.


"Oh, hello Kate, Amber. How can I help you?" Josh asked. Kate looked down nervously at her feet and tucked a strand of her brunette hair behind her ear. This gesture clearly meant that I had to do all the talking.

"I was wondering if you knew where Miguel could be? He ran out without an answer and I'm not letting another man walk out on her again." I explained. He nodded and gestured us to come inside

"He could be anywhere, but I know from past situations that he usually goes to his brother's café around the corner from the Irish bar when he's having a rough time. Called 'Cafe Casineo'. It's either that or his house. But I doubt that he'd go there considering he got kicked out because he couldn't pay rent so, yeah café is your best option." He suggested. Me and Kate exchanged a look and then we both grinned at Josh.

"Thanks Josh, we better head off then. Bye!" I said and he saw us out.


We strolled around the corner and found ourselves at 'Café Casineo', Miguel's brother's café. It was a lare building with lots of outdoor and indoor seats. The colour coding was mostly orange and yellow. We through the outdoor dining area and looked through the window. There, sat reading a newspaper with bags at his feet, was Miguel.

"Well, Kate, there's your guy. Now go. Tell him how you feel. Anything to make him come back!" I exclaimed, pushing her into the café. She turned to look at me and smiled slyly. I mouthed 'Good luck' and she mouthed back 'Thanks' then turned around to sit next to Miguel.

Kate POV :

My heart skipped a beat as I took the seat next to Miguel. He looked up at me, scowled, then turned to look back at his newspaper. I looked down at my hands, they were shaking and a little sweaty. He coughed loudly.

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