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I take a deep breath. I hear the front door open and Killian say I'll be down in a minute. I build up all the courage to walk down thee with a smile on my face.

As I walk down the stairs I'm greeted by Killian talking to Liam in the front room. I try to just sneak out of there way but of course Liam sees me.

"Aye. Emma." Liam says to me sternly. If looks could kill I'd be dead.

Maybe you should be dead

Don't think like that.

"Hi, Liam." I say with the fakest smile ever. Liam returns it with a smile even more fake.
Killian just looks at us confused. "Do you guys want anything to drink while I'm in the kitchen?" I ask trying to be nice.

"What do you have?" Liam asks.

"We've got rum, wine, apple juice, orange juice, coffee, tea, water, and milk. I could also make some hot chocolate." I say trying to be extremely nice.

"Rum." He say.

"What about you Killian?" I ask in my normal tone.

"Run as well, love. Thank you." He says and gives me a kiss. I melt in to him. I try to make it a longer kiss so Liam gets uncomfortable.

"Easy tiger we got company." He says quoting me. I hit him in the chest.

"That's my line." I say with a genuine smile.

"Aye it is but I just stole it, my love." Killian says.

"That's a new one." I say with a smile.

"A new what?" Killian asks confused.

"A new nickname. I've got swan, love, and lass. You've never called me my love before. I love it. Just like I love you." I say and kiss him.

"I love you too." He says and kisses me again.

"Cough cough." Liam literally just says cough he doesn't even try to be discreet about it.

"I have to get you boys some drinks. I'll be back 'my love." I say mocking his accent with the my love.

I can hear him chuckle as I walk into the kitchen. I grab three glasses and bug around 3 cubes of ice in each. I grab the rum from the top shelf that I can barley reach. I walk into the living room where they are now sitting on the couch talking. I just remember how I can't drink. I curse under my breath because I could really use it right now.

"I brought the whole bottle just so we wouldn't be having to keep going back and forth to the kitchen if you needed another drink." I say as I pour run into the three glasses.

"Thank you my love." He says and kisses my forehead.

"No problem Killy bear." I says with a smirk.

"Now that's a new one. I know Roland calls me uncle Killy but I guess it's my nickname now." Killian says to her slightly confused.

"Yep it is. So um. Do you want me to stay here and talk or do you want me to go out so you can have some alone time together?" I ask.

"You can stay. If your alright with that Liam." Killian says and turns to him.

"She can stay." Liam says slightly annoyed.

"Thank you. Oh and Killian what time is the party?" I ask.

"It's at 5 love. So in about a hour."Killian tells Me.

"Thanks. So Liam how are you here? I thought you moved on." I tell him.

"I did. Zeus came up to me in the better place and told he Killian needed me. I tried to ask why but he said I'll see when I get there. I don't see anything wrong to be honest. " Liam tells us. "Except he's with you." I hear him say under his breath.

I'm about to go off on his ass but Henry walks through the door.

"Hey mom. Have you seen dad?" Henry asks as he walks into the room. I and killian both look confused. "Never mind. I see he's right here." Henry says as he walks up to Killian. Killian smile grew. "So Dad, I was wondering if we could go sailing tomorrow. It could be like a family thing. Like every Saturday me you and mom go sailing." Henry asks.

"Of course lad."Killian says to him. "Liam can join us tomorrow if you'd like."

"Yeah he can come. Thanks dad." Henry says as he hugs Killian. "I'm meeting grandma at granny's to help her set up. Do any of you want to come? Mom will be there too."Henry asks.

"I'll come. I'll leave you two to talk." I say and get up off the couch. "I love you. I'll see you in 30 minutes. Don't be late you know how my mother is. She'll have your head." I joke.

"We wont be late. I love you. I love you too Henry." Killian says and gives me a peck on the lips.

"Love you too dad." Henry yells as he goes out the door.

"Bye." I yell as I go out the door.

He's gonna leave you. Right after the party when you tell him. He's gonna leave you.

He's not gonna leave me. He loves me. I'll ask my mom what I should do. She'll know.

Me and Henry get in the bug and drive to granny's.

894 word of story for you. I hope you guys enjoyed.

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