Birth Part two

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I'm gripping Killian's and my mothers hands so tight they're probably are gonna have broken bones. The lights have flashed a few times but not to bad yet.

"Well Ms. Swan it seems like we're gonna have you push on your next contraction." Dr. Jones says.

"You got this love." He tells me with a smile.

"Fuck off. You did this to me." I tell him. I'm not in the best mood.

He just laughs.

"What's do funny?" I ask.

"Your cute when you mad."

"You think This is fucking cute. I'm in pain and your laughing!" I yell. He stops laughing. "Good. I th...... ow!" I say as the next contraction hits.

"Ok push. Make sure you breath." Dr, Jones says.

I push as hard as I can. The lights are flickering constantly.

"A few more pushes."

I push again. And again. And again.

"I can't do this." I say with tears in my eyes.

"Come on swan. You got this. I believe in you." He tells me.

I push again.

"I can see the head miss swan."

I push again. And again until I hear soft cries.

"Congratulations. It's a girl." Dr. jones says as he quickly cleans the baby wraps the baby up and hands her to me.

She's already got blond hair that's sticking up from her cleaning. She adorable with her tiny little fingers.

"She's gorgeous." My mother says.

"Hello baby girl." I say.

"Can I hold her?" Killian asks skeptically.

"Of course. Here. Go to daddy." I say as I place the baby in his arms.

"Aren't you adorable little love?" Killian says to the baby.

Regina, Robin, belle, Henry, Roland, Zelena and Rose come through the door.

"Can I see my little sister?" Henry asks Killian.

"Sure lad." Killian says as he hands her to him.

"Thanks dad." Henry says. Killian just smiles.

A hour pasts and the baby's been past around to everyone. My parents have left to go take care of Neal. Everyone else went home. It was just me and Killian and our kids.

The doctor told us we could be discharged tomorrow.

Killian takes a seat in the chair while Henry sleeps in the couch. The baby's in her crib and I'm in my bed.

I decide it's time for bed and I close my eyes.

I wake up to my parents coming in with Neal. Neal's almost two so he's holding dad's hand. I look around and see Killian holding the baby asleep with Henry asleep on his shoulder.

"That's adorable." My mother comments as she snaps a quick picture.

"I heard you get to go home today." David says as he pulls up a stool and sits next to me.

"Yep. We all get to go home. As a family." I say with a smile.

My mother sneakily grabs the baby from Killian's without waking him.

"So whats my granddaughters name?" She asks me.

"Her name is...."

"A curse! A curse is coming!" Grumpy yells as he runs into the hospital room. This instantly wakes everyone. Including the baby.

I get up quickly and magic up some normal clothes on. We all run outside. It hurts becAuse I'm still very sore from birth. Snow still has my daughter in her arms as we run into the street.

I see Regina shooting magic at the curse trying to stop it. I quickly join her.

"How did the queen do this? She would have had to crush the heart of the one she loves most?" I yell to Regina.

"The queen doesn't love anyone. She's too dark." She yells back.

The curse is turning a lighter purple then before.

"We can't stop it. It's coming to fast." I yell.

"Well it seems we're back at square one." Regina says as she lowers her arms. I quickly write a note to myself that I love Killian and my kids Henry and my daughter.

I run to them. I grab my precious little girl and Henry. Killian wraps his arm around us as the curse goes (666 words hehehhe) over us. My whole world goes black.

_______________________________673 wordS! Hope you enjoy. Please comment all your thoughts! The next update should be tomorrow. Sorry for the late update I got my glasses today and I'm still getting used to them. I love you guys! Bye my loves!

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