The party

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Hope you guys enjoy! I know I only have a few people who actually read this but I want to thank you guys. I've only got like 2 comments but they really make my day. I love all of you who are reading. Thank you all.

"Surprise!!" I guess Killian and Liam are here.

I quickly find a seat in the back of the diner. I'm already regretting my decision.

He's gonna leave you.

You know what? He might.

He will.

He wi... no stop thinking like that. He won't leave you.

Yes he will.

Just get out of my head.

Henry walks up to me and takes the seat in front of me.

"Hey mom." He says to me in the sweetest tone he can. He wants something.

"Hey kid." I say suspiciously.

"I was wondering if I could take a walk with violet. Her father said it was alright." He asked me with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course. Go head. Be safe. Keep your phone on you and don't talk to strangers. Oh and be back before 6." I say. I have to make sure I say all my motherly things.

"I will. Bye mom." He says as he gets up and runs over to violet grabbing her hand.

Regina almost instantly takes his place.

"What's wrong?" She asks sternly.

"Nothing." I say as I look at the table.

"Tell me what's wrong. I'm your friend you can tell me anything." She says grabbing my hand.

"I'm fine." I say still not making eye contact.

"Well maybe you need a little persuasion." She says as she flicks her wrist and a huge cup of hot chocolate with cinnamon appears in front of me.

I'm gonna vomit. I push the mug away. I need to get to a bathroom.

"I'll be back." I say quickly as I run to the bathroom. When I finally make it to the bathroom I lock it has quickly as possible. When I turn around Regina is standing there. Fuck.

"Now tell me what's wrong?" She says guarding the toilet.

"Move." I say. It's really the only thing I can get out.

"No." she says and crosses her arms.

"I'm about to vomit all over you so you better fucking move." I say probably too loudly.

She gets the memo and moves out of the way. Her pregnant belly grazing my side as she passes me. I instantaneously get to the toilet and empty my stomach.

"So your pregnant?" She says. I just nod and slide down the wall of the bathroom.

"Who knows?" She asks.

"Just you and my mother." I say as I put my head in my hands.

"Ok. Why doesn't Guy liner know?" She asks. Why does everyone need to know so much?

"Because he's gonna find out tonight. It's his present from me to him." I say.

"And you scared." She says as she comes to sit next to me. Which is quite a struggle with her being 6 months pregnant.

"Yeah." Is really all I can say.

"He's not gonna leave. I can tell, he's in this forever. Why would you even think that? You guys are true love." Regina says to me.

"I know. It's just my mind keeps telling me he will. I know he won't." I say.

But he will.

"Of course not. I have a feeling everyone in storybrooke would beat his ass before they'd even let him think about leaving you." She tells me. which is really true.

"Your right. Let's go back out there and have some fun. It is my boyfriends birthday." I say as I stand up. She nods. I give her my hand so she can actually get up.

"Oh wait. I want to show you my small bump. Look how cute it is." I say as I turn to the side.

She giggles. "It is cute."

Yeah. It may be cute but it's gonna ruin your life.

A child is a blessing.

But it's gonna ruin everything good in your life.


We walk out of the bathroom talking. The cake seems to be already cut into. Killian and Liam took over the table me and Regina were at.

"I'm gonna go find Snow and get these gifts rolling." Regina whispers to me as she walks away.

"Swan. Come sit with us. I haven't seen you all night." Killian says as he scoots over.

"Sorry about that I was just doing some finishing touches on your present." I say with a smile.

No you were avoiding him.

"You didn't have to get me anything , my love. All I want is for you to be happy." He says. Why the hell is he so adorable.

"Ugh. Your too cute." I say as I kiss him. I hear someone tapping on a glass. We all turn Are attention to the noise. It's my mother of course.

"Present time." She says as she gives Killian the first present.

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