The queen

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With a swish of the queens hand me and her both disappear in a wave of smoke. Then next thing I know all I can see is black. I don't feel anything. Not even the feeling of being pregnant. I think I'm unconscious but I can't tell.  I'm scared. My minds running but my bodies numb.

I can't see. I can't talk. I can't feel but I can think.

Where am I? Am I still at home in my fiancée arms or am I some where in a dark cell with the evil queen? Am I gonna die? Is she gonna kill my baby?

I won't let her. Come on Emma. Wake up. Wake up. Save your baby girl. Come on. Think about everyone at home. Think about Killian. Think about Henry. You have to get home.

Ow. Someone just slapped me. Wait. I can feel.

"Wake up savior." The queen yells. I can hear. I can feel. I just can't see. I open my eyes. It's very bright. I can barely make out the queen. She's in a tight red corset vest and black jeans. With at least 5 inch heels and black blazer.

"Yay your awake. Now we can begin." She says as she puts on her best queen stance.

"Begin what?" I ask trying to sound strong but I can tell it didn't come out that way.

"Oh. Well I'm gonna take your baby." She tells me. My heart drops. She can see my face fall because she smiles evilly and laughs.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to kill her. I'm going to raise her. Just like I did to Henry. Henry turned out pretty well if I say so myself.

"I'll kill you before she'll kill you." I tell her.

"No you won't." She says with a chuckle.

"Why not?"

"Because if you kill me you kill Regina. The only way for me to go away and Regina to stay is if you guys reattach me to her but Regina's just perfect now. She won't take me back. She has to much of a repetition now." She tells me with her wicked smile.

"I won't let you take my baby!" I scream.

"Watch me!" She says as she flicks her wrist. I feel different. I still feel the baby but it's weird. It's like she's growing.

No. That bitch. She's making my baby come.

I have to get out of here. For my baby.

"I'll get out before you can take her."

"Well what are you gonna use. Your magic. Like that wimpy light magic can break my protection spell." She says. "See you at the birth."

She's gone.  I have to get out. Come on Emma. You got this. I need to concentrate.

_______________________________458 words. Hope you enjoy!

Vote on baby names. Here's your choices:

Odette Sarah Jones

Nicole Brooke Jones

Bye my loves. 😘

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