The birth part one

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I'm in front of my family. They are all at Regina's vault. Everyone except Killian and David.

"Mom?"Henry says as he sees me.

"Yeah kid." I say slightly out of breath. I can feel my belly growing. Good thing my shirt can stretch.

Henry runs up to me and hugs me. He suddenly steps back.

"Woah." He says as he stares at my stomach.

"What? Oh I know. The evil queen is gonna take my baby." I cry. "She put a spell on me to make my pregnancy go faster. Like what I did when I was the dark one to Zelena. She's gonna take my baby girl!"

My heart just breaks as I admit that.

"Oh Emma." My mom says as she hugs me.

"I just want my Killian." I say between sobs. "Where is he?"

"He went out looking for you. David followed him out. I'll call David and tell him to come to the hospital." Snow says as she walks off to call David.

I start to sob. I'm gonna lose my baby. Henry and Regina come and sits next to me. Now my pregnant belly is larger then hers. They don't say anything. They just hug me.

"Killian and David are on their way to the hospital. Come on we're gonna meet them there." My mom tells us.

"I have nothing for the baby. I just found out yesterday." I say as I get up.

"Me and Henry will go to your guises house and sort that out." Regina tells me.

"Thank you." I tell her as my mother gives me my crutches.

"I don't think you'll be needing that." Regina says as she magically heals my ankle. My cast is off and replaced with my other boot.

"Thank you." I say as I throw my crutches on the floor and follow my mom up the steps of the vault.

The whole car ride I just sob. I can feel the contractions starting.

"Mom. It's time. The baby. I felt a contraction."

"Oh my. Well we are at the hospital now." She says as she helps me out of the car.

We walk into the hospital and Killian runs up to me.

"I love you." I say into his shoulder.

"I love you too. I'm so glad your okay."

"Me to... ow god. Holy fuck." I say as another contraction hits. "This baby is coming. Now!" I yell. I guess some nurses must have heard me because the next thing I know I'm in a hospital room.

"Hi. I'm Dr. Liam Jones." He says as he holds out his hand for me to shake.

"I guess Liam jones is a common name I say. Now where is my fiancé." I ask as another contraction hits.

"I'm right here my love." Killian says as he scoots his chair to the side of the bed. His face is paler then usual.

"Killian.. are you okay?" I ask barely getting it out because I'm in so much pain.

"I'm fine. Just a little nervous my love."

"Okay. Give me you hook for me to squeeze."

"Love take my hand it will be better." He tells me as he holds my hand.

"If you want a bruised hand then alright." I say as the contraction subsides.

"I'm just gonna take a look down there and see how dilated you are." The doctor tells us.

Killian looks slightly confused on why he's looking up my gown.

"Sweetheart. It's fine. It's his job. The baby had to come from somewhere." I whisper to him.

He just nods.

"Alright if seems you almost 8 centimeters. Your water has already broken. Do you want anyone else in her during the birth?" He asks me.

"My parents." I say as another contraction begins. "Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. That's so fucking painful."

"It's worth it. I have a kid of my own with my wife Anastasia. A little boy named Brennan after my father. Well enough about me. I'll go get your parents." He says as he leave the room.

Killian looks even more pale.

"That's my brother." He tells me.


"Well my half brother. I killed his father. My father."

"Killian it's okay." I say. I can barely talk.

_______________________________Ive chosen a name. Wait till next part to find out which one tho.

Bye my loves.

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