The Wedding

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Before I start this chapter I'm gonna say this will be a long part. A very long part.  It will be mostly the wedding day but there is gonna be some writing on right after the last chapter. This is the second to last chapter. I'm thinking about writing a sequel and having them just be really happy for once. Tell me what you guys think about that in the comments. Also comment every one of your thoughts. Bye my loves.

Killian asked his brother to be a groomsmen. I know he hasn't forgiven him yet but he's on that track.

Everyone's at my house holding there baby's and talking. There's actually a lot of kids here. There's Odette who's 4 months, there's (Regina and Robin) Daniel who's a week, there's (belle and will/rumple. Will will be the baby's dad just not biologically) Adalyn 1 month, there's Neal who's 2 years, there's rose (Robin and Zelena) who's 1 year and lastly there's (Ruby and Dorothy's adopted daughter) Jennifer who's 4 years old. That's 6 kids under the age of five. Plus there parents.

"Your all probably wondering why your all here." I yell to scratch everyone's attention.

Everyone nods in agreement.

"You all know me and Killian are engaged and we just want to get married quickly. We decided the weddings gonna be on Saturday and you're all in the wedding. My maid of honor is Regina. Then my 5 bridesmaids are belle, Zelena, Ruby, Elsa, and Violet. I hope you all accept my invitation of being my bridesmaids. Killian why don't you ask your people to be in the wedding?" I ask.

"Aye. Of course. Well I hope for my best man is Robin. Then the rest would be will, Henry, victor, Smee, and Liam. If you all want to be at least." Everyone comes up to us and of course agrees.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Killian and his brother hugging. I smile. I'm happy they made up. I may not like Liam but Killian needs his brother. 

Liam starts walking towards me. I'm a little scared so I quickly hand Odette to my mother.

"Hi." I say barely above a whisper.

"Hi. I just wanted to say how truly sorry I am. I was foolish. I should have known better. Your perfect for my brother. Me finding love has made it clear to me that you are the best thing for my brother. I was very rude. It was bad form. I hope somewhere in that big heart of yours you can forgive me." He says. I can see some tears on his face. 

"Of course. I think it may take sometime for me to warm up to the idea but I do forgive you. Me and Elsa are like sisters. If she loves you and brings out the good in you I can't turn down a brother in law." I say with a smile.

"Really?" He says as he looks up from the ground. I nod. He smiles and pulls me into a hug. "Thank you so much."

"No problem." I say as we part ways.

Epic crazy awesome time Jump. Yeah.

The wedding day.

My mother wakes me up with some oatmeal. She's got Odette in her arms as I walk downstairs with my empty bowl of oatmeal.

"Good morning Bride to be." She says with a smile.

"Morning." I say

"You took a shower last night so you should be good. All the girls are in the living room getting ready. You should head in there, too. It's 9 am and the wedding is at 1 so you only have 4 hours." I nod and quickly get to the other room.

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