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Just a disclaimer this might be a really bad chapter I'm writing this at 3 in the morning. I know I have school tomorrow but idk if I'm gonna go. I have a a terrible headache and I can't sleep. My mom most likely will let me stay home. Hopefully.
____________________________Come on Emma. You have to break the protection spell before your little girl comes. I got this.

"I got this."

You think your strong? Ha. You wish. Your little girl is gonna be raised by the evil queen because of you. It's gonna be your fault.

No. I'll save her. I have the strength.

In your dreams.

I just have to think of all the people I care about and care about me.

You think they care. Oh my. They just need you. They fear you. They just need you to keep them safe. Your parents are obligated to love you but they've already replaced you. The town just doesn't want you to turn evil and kill them. Henry just brought you back to break the curse. Oh and Killian. Killian just wants you as loot. What pirate wouldn't want to fuck a princess? Your nothing to them.

"I'm not nothing! I was nEver nothing!" I Yell as I can feel the chains break.

I flick my wrist while i think about my family. I suddenly appear in a cloud of white with a tinge of pink (wonder what's that from?😉) smoke in front everyone.

_______________________________literally to tired to function. I love you all. Bye my loves.

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