Grannys (before party)

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Before I start this chapter I want to apologize for such the late updating time. I was at school and I had to do math homework. I also got my eyes dilated today. Found out I need glasses. I wasn't able to look at the screen in my phone for a few hours because my eyes were dilated. I hope you enjoy and please comment your thoughts about my story.

Me and Henry walk into the diner. There's lots of streamers like usual. There's a huge cake that's blue and yellow. It looks like a wedding cake and a birthday cake put together. I'm very confused.

"Hey Mom." I say as I walk towards her.

"Hey sweetie." She said as she walks from table to table setting up decorations.

"What kind of party is this?" I ask confused.

"It's a birthday party!" She says and puts down the decorations.

"For who?" I'm still very confused.

"Killian of course." She says cheerfully.

"He doesn't know when his birthday is. How did you guys figure it out?" I ask clearly confused.

"Well if you've been getting my texts you would have known Liam told me it was today." She tells me with the biggest smile. I cringe at the name Liam.

"Oh. What do you think about Liam?" I ask.

"He seems like a nice boy. I know he doesn't like you at all but he'll get over it." Snow says to me.

I get a really serious face on. I'm gonna tell her. "Mom can I talk to you in the hallway?" I ask very seriously.

She nods getting that I'm very serious. We walk into the small hallway in between the b&b and the diner.

"What wrong?" She ask clearly concerned.

"I'm.... I'm.... I'm pregnant." I finally say just above a whisper.

"Really?!" She screams of excitement.

"Yes. Now can you keep it down?" I ask.

"Sorry.... now when did you find out? does Killian know? How far along are you?" she asks.

"I found out today. Killian doesn't know. And I think I'm 4-5 months. I don't know. I'm showing s tad bit as you can." I say and turn to the side so she can see the bump.

"Omg it's so cute. Wait! Killian doesn't know?" She asks.

"Nope. I haven't had the time to tell him with the doche bag Liam here." I tell her.

That's not why you haven't told him. Your scared he'll leave you because he will. He'll hate you and your baby.

"I'm know your lying. Tell me the truth. Why haven't you told him?" She asks sternly.

"I'm scared." I say in a small whisper.

"Don't be sweetheart. Killian loves you he would never leave you." Snow says and gives me a enormous motherly hug.

But he will leave you. He has left you before. When he was the dark one.

"I have a wonderful idea! Give him a onesie for his birthday. Like a little baby one. He'll get the memo." She tells me.

Then he'll just leave you in front of the whole town.

"I love it, but I'll give it to him at the end of the party. Just say at the end that it looks like we forgot one. I'll magic one up right now already wrapped." Is say as I hold my hand out. A small blue box appears in my hand. "Can you put it in a safe place for now?" I ask. She nods and takes the present. I say my thanks when we walk out.

Everyone's here. Regina must have used her magic to finish the decorations. It looked wonderful.

The door rings and everyone yells.......

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