Epilogue: Honeymoon

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Me and Killian are staying at this small, but cozy, cabin in the woods for our honeymoon. We're only staying for 3 days because we ant to get back to our children. It's the second day and I already miss them so much. I want to hold Odette and hug Henry. We might go back early.


"It's jones." I say as I stand up from the couch and make my way towards my devilishly handsome husband.

"Jones, why don't we go back. I can tell you miss them. I miss them as well." He tells me with total concern.

"I do miss them. How about we go down to the beach and have some fun then we'll go home. Does that sound good my devilishly handsome husband?" I ask seductively.

"Sounds wonderful my drop dead gorgeous wife." He says as he kisses me.

"Let's go get changed then." I yell as we break away.

We both get changed at the same time in the same room. Let's just say, we did more pleasurable activities then going to the beach.

Me and Killian finished packing up our stuff and we decide to drive back to my parents house tonight. It's 6 pm. We quickly pack everything into the car and drive.

When we finally get to my parents. I knock on the door and I can hear my parents. They open the door and look completely surprised.

"What are you two doing here? Don't you guys have one more night?" My mother asks.

"Yeah but we really miss our kids so we decided to come home. Can we see our daughter?" I ask as we come in. My parents both shield the crib like she's hurt or something.

"Why can't I see my baby?" I ask. I'm clearly upset. "Is she okay?"

"She's fine. Neal just got a sharpie and well he might of drew on Odettes face." My dad said shyly.

"Oh. That's not that bad." I say as I push past them. She's only got like 6 scribbles on her. "Guys this isn't even that bad."

"What's a sharpie?" Killian asks.

"It's a marker. That's quote on quote permanent. It's not though. It comes of in a wash or two." I tell him. He just nods.

Odette slowly wakes up and she starts giggling once she sees us.

"Come here baby." I say as I pick her up.

"Let's go home."

_______________________________403 words. I died writing this chapter. Just because it was the last chapter. Guys I dyed my hair super blond. It looks really good. Also it's like 11:40 pm and my birthday is in 20 minutes. I'm so excited. Well I love you guys. There will be a sequel but it may take me a day or two to get it out. Guys we have 599 reads. I'm so happy. Bye my loves.

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