Peanut butter and sour patch kids

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I feel little kisses all over my face. I open to see my sexy fiancé kissing my nose.

"Good morning, my love." He says to me.

"Morning." I say leaning into his chest.

"We have to get up. It's 9:45 and we've got to go to the doctors. For your ankle and our little one." He feels me as he get out of bed.

"Ugh. No. I don't want to get out of bed." I whine like a two year old.

"But what about seeing our little love?" He asks me.

"Fine." I say as I get up. I wince in pain when I try to put weight on my ankle.

The next think I know I'm sitting back down and Killian is looking at my ankle.

"I guess I'll just have to carry you." He says.

"I have to get dressed." I say.

"Fine what do you want to wear."

"Well I need my bra. Which is in the top drawer. Then go into the bottom draw in my dresser and there is pre made outfits there. Get one with leggings." I say. He does as I say.

He picks out black leggings with a over sized tan sweater.

I throw on my sweater and bra while he helps me get in my leggings so I don't hurt my ankle.

"Thanks. I'll just we're some comfy Uggs." I tell him as I magic up my Uggs.  I throw one on while Killian helps me put on the other.

It's pretty painful.

What did I do to deserve such a loving fiancé?

You did nothing. You don't deserve him. He could go out and have any woman he wants.

I push these thoughts sway.

"Thank you now can you carry me downstairs." I say.

"Yes my love. I love you." He tells me as he picks me up bridal style.

"I love you too." I say as I give him a kiss on the end of his nose.

"I think Henry's at Regina's but he'll be over later. He just sent me a text. He'll be over at 2 for sailing." I tell him as he sets me down on the bar stool.

"Ok. We'll be done by then." He tells me. "What do you want for breakfast my love?"

"A jar of peanut butter with sour patch kids." I say. These pregnancy cravings are so weird.

"Okay?" He says. "And where might I find these foods?"

"I'll just magic them up." I say as I wave my hand. A bowl of peanut butter and a large bag of sour patch kids.

"I'm gonna have some toast." He says.  I wave my hand and a piece of jelly toast appears in front of him.

"Thank you."

"No problem." I say as I dip my sour patch kids in my peanut butter.

We finish our breakfast and I puff us to the doctors, because I can't drive with my ankle.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Leave your guess on the bays gender and on names. Also leave feed back! I was thinking on adding a dead character back into storybrooke to mess with Killian's and Emma's relationship. Should it be Graham?Neal or Milah. The person my turn out evil it depends. Please comment your thoughts. Love you my loves. U might update again today I'm just on a roll and I love it. Bye my loves.

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