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It's been 2 days and Odette moves occasionally. My parents came and brought us food 3 times a day. My mother had to go back to work at the school and dad has to work the sheriff station. Killian just holds me. I never ate what my parents brought me. All my thoughts are on killing Milah and my daughter waking up.

I just get up and walk out the door. I hear Killian follow me but I don't. I'm gonna kill that woman.

"Emma stop! I know what your going I do. I want to kill her as well but we can't." He yells at me. "You don't want her to grow up with a murderer as a mother!" He yells.

I finally turn around. "I'm already a murderer. You are too." I instantly regret saying that. I know he hates it when I bring up his past. I walk towards him. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have bro...."

"No your right. I am. We are. But I regret what I did for those 300 years of my life. I regret every second of it. But I wouldn't change it because if I did, we wouldn't have met. Odette wouldn't be here. I'm glad I was a pirate. Now I have what I've always wanted. True love. A family. A child. Friends. I have everything. I love my life. I changed. I changed for the better. I'm the man I've always wanted to be. I don't want you to go and regret your decision on killing her. The people I killed haunt me every second of the day. I don't want you to live like that. I want you to be happy." He tells me tears streaming down both of our faces.

"Your right." I say as I wipe his tears away. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." He says as he leans in to kiss me.

Before we kiss I see Odette's doctor walk out of her room. H comes  to us right away.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask as I wipe my tears.

"No. everything's perfect. She awake." He says with a smile.

"Really?" I ask a instant smile on my face.

"Yeah. You can go and see her now." He said with a smile.

Me and Killian rush into her room. A nurse is holding her. As soon as she sees us she smiles.

"Here's you daughter." She says as she hands Odette to me.

I just smile with happy tears.

_______________________________418 words.! Sorry I haven't updated I've been very busy with school. Have a good day. Bye my loves! 😘

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