Ths visitors

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When we walk through the doors of granny's I see two people I never thought I'd see again.

It was graham and Milah.

"Oh no." I say.

They're gonna ruin you. Run.

"What's wrong, my love?" He asks. "Is it the baby?" He asks. I guess he didn't notice the two very confused people in the middle of granny's.

"No. the baby's fine. It's them." I whisper trying not to catch their attention, but of course I do.

"Fuck." I mumble.

"I see." Killian says.

"Emma!" Graham says as he walks up and gives me a hug. He tries to kiss me but I back away. I can see Killian's anger on his face.

"Graham! How are you here? You died in my arms! Almost 5 years ago!" I shout trying to get away from him.

I see Milah trying to talk to Killian but Killian is just staring at me to make sure I'm okay.

"I know. It's just I died then woke up in the sheriff station where I died. Now we can be together. Especially now that you broke the curse." He says as he try's to kiss me again.

"We can't be together." I say moving out of his way.

"Why not?" He says very confused.

Your gonna break his heart.

"I've moved on." I say.

"Who?" Graham says with complete anger. I look over to Killian who's now talking to Milah.

"My true love. Now if you excuse me I have to go talk to my fiancé." I say as I is my crutches to walk over to Killian.

"Milah. We can't be together I've found my true love. We're expecting a child. We're getting married. I'm not just gonna leave the person I love to be with someone I loved 300 years ago." Killian says.

This warms my heart.

"Is this the wrench that stole you from me?" Milah asks as she looks at me in disgust.

Just like Milah and Liam said all you are to Killian is some wrench.

"She's no wrench!" Killian yells .

"I understand. I'll never stop fighting for us." Milah says as she walks away from us. I feel the hot tears roll down my face.

Killian pulls me into a tight hug. We walk over to a booth. Well I hobbled.

"Wow." I say as I wipe my tears.

"Aye." He says.

"Of course we can't have one moment to be happy and celebrate our little baby girl." I say as I take out the photos of the baby.

"Hey guys!" Ruby says as she skips over to us. "Is that ultrasound pictures?!"

"Yeah." I say as I hand her one.

"Awe it's so cute! Do you know the gender yet?" She asks.

"We do but we're not telling till we tell my parents first." I tell her. My phone rings. I quickly grab it. It's my mother.

Phone call is underlined.

M: Emma?

E: hello. Hey Mom.

M: how'd your doctors appointment go?

E: it went well. I'm in a cast for a few months for my ankle but it'll get better

M: what about my grand baby?

E: She's doing fine.

M: she?! It's a girl?! See David I called it!

E: yeah it's a girl. I'm 18 weeks.

M: wow. That's wonderful. On another note did you see our new visitors?

E: Milah and Graham?

M: yeah your father told me. They're both talking to him now at the loft.

E: Ok. We'll be over their soon after lunch

M: alright. Bye Emma. Love you!

E: bye! Love you too!

End of call.

"So it's a girl?" Ruby asks.

"Yeah." Killian says with total pride.

"Congratulations. Now what can I get you?" She asks.

_______________________________619 words. I hope you enjoyed. Leave suggestions for baby names. Thanks for all the support. 😘. Love you guys.
Bye my loves. 😘

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