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We walk into Regina's house and we instantly greeted by everyone. Then I see the eyes of the man I love. Wait. I don't love him. Do I?

Even if you do, no one will ever love you?

Well I don't so it doesn't matter.

He sees me and instantaneously walks over to me.

"Hey, love. You look beautiful. You do too little love." He says to me and Odette. Once Odette sees him she instantly wants him.

"Hey. It seems like someone is excited to see you." I say as I hand her to him. "I didn't know you know the Mills."

"Oh I'm friends with Robin. Regina invited me after our meeting." He tells me. Odette just snuggles into him. "Come I'll introduce you to my friends."

Oh no. I'm already meeting his brother.

"Liam. Come here. This is Emma." He tells me. Liam fakes a smile.

"Hello lass. Your the lady my little brother keeps talking about." He tells me. He talks about me.

"Oh so you talk about me?" I say as I raised eyebrow.

"Uhhh....." he says as he scratched behind his ear.

"Don't be so embarrassed she's been talking about you too." Henry says as he beats into the conversation.

"Henry!" I say slightly annoyed.

"Sorry mom. Couldn't let the man get to embarrassed." He said. "Here let me introduce myself. Henry Nolan and this is my girlfriend Violet."

"Killian jones." Killian replies. My boys.

"Liam Jones."

They all shake hands.

"Let me introduce you to my girlfriend Elsa and her friend Milah." Liam says as he leads us over to them. It can't be that Elsa.

The first girl i see has black curly hair and tight jeans with a dark purple shirt. She's gorgeous. She sees Killian and instantaneously pretties her self. She better not steal my man.

"Killian." She says desperately.

"Hey Milah. This is Emma. The one I told you I have a date with." He tells her. She looks over to me in disgust.

"Hello." She says to me clearly jealous.


The next girl I see has her platinum blonde hair in a braid and is wearing a dull blue dress with a infinity scarf.

"Elsa?" I ask in disbelief.

"Emma!" She says and runs to me. We meet in a hug.

"I've missed you so much." I say as we back apart.

"Me too. We have to catch up. Tell me the biggest things that have happened to you in the past 10 years. How olds Henry? He must be 14!" She says in disbelief. "Are you still with Neal?"

"No I'm not. He left me a week after you left. He said he was in love with some Tamara. I found out two years ago that he was actually dying. He died of cancer two months after he left me." I say tearing up slightly.

"I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. I've been over him for 9 years. Oh and the best things that have happened to me is that I got house by the docks and I had my baby girl. Odette." I say as I show Killian.

"Oh my god she's so cute. How old is she?" She asks.

"She almost 3 months."

"Let me see her!" She says as she goes to grab her. Odette just fists Killian's shirt and crys.

"Your daughter loves Killian." She says slightly jealous.

"Is that jealousy I detect?" Killian asks.

"Maybe." She teases.

"Come one Odette let mommys friend see you. Please." I ask her in a baby voice. She just snuggles closer to Killian. "Fine will you let mommy hold you?" She just turns her head into Killian's chest.

Killian just laughs.

"Come on little love. Can you do it for me?" Killian asks. Odette seams to stop snuggling closer and holds her arms out in Elsa's Direction. Elsa picks her up with a smile.

"I hate you." I say to Killian.

"Come on no you don't." He whispers back.

"Nope. I hate you."

"But I'm so lovable. Even your daughter thinks so." He teases.

"Dinners ready!" Regina calls.

We all sit down and have a good time.

After dinner we all clean up. It's around 6 so I should probably go home soon but I want to talk to Killian. I hand my mother Odette and grab Killian's arm.

"Where are we going, love?" He asks as I take him out the front door.

"I want to show you something." I say.

We walk down to the beach and under the docks.

"I go here a lot. People don't think to find someone under the docks so I sit down here when I want to be alone. The horizon calms me. (Cough cough season 4 cough cough). " I tell him.

"I love the sea." He tells me.

We sit and talk for a while before we decide it's time to go back.

Right before he opens the door I kiss him. The kiss is electrifying. The kiss is magical.

832 words. Hehehehehheheh. That kiss tho. Am I right? I hope you Guys enjoy the chapter. This is my second update today. I love you all. Bye my loves.

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