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Those eyes. On no. Nope it can't be.

Is it that impossible.

I've never seen that man in my life.

Awe crap he's walking over. Fuck. Don't swear Emma you don't want Odette's first words to be fuck.

He came and sat down in front of me.

"Hello. Sorry to bother you but I just moved here from Ireland with my brother, his girlfriend, and her best friend. I was wondering if you knew who the sheriff and the mayor is? I'm supposed to meet them today at 4." He tells me. "Oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself. Killian Jones at your service milady." So old fashion. I like it.

"Emma Nolan. Regina Mills is the Mayor and me and my father are the co sheriffs. I'm the one who's going to the meeting though." I say. Odette starts to fuss so I quickly remove her from the wrap and hold her.

"And who's this little love?" He asks.

"This is Odette Sarah Nolan." I tell him.

"Beautiful name. Who's the lucky guy to have two beautiful lady's in their life?" He asks. Okay that's kind of personal.

"There isn't one. I'm a single mother of two. My oldest is 14 his names Henry and Odette is 2 almost 3 months old." I tell him. Why am I telling him this?

"Oh. Wow. She's a young little lass." He says obviously trying to change the subject. I just nod.

"I know we just met but will you go on a date with me?" He asks clearly nervous. I freeze. I don't know what to say.

"Well I.... I come with a lot of baggage with having 2 kids." I tell him making sure he doesn't change his mind.

"Yeah and I have one hand. It doesn't matter to me. Please just think about it?" He asks. Woah one hand. That's kind of sexy.

"Yeah. I'll go on a date with you. Here's my number." I say as I try to write it down but holding a baby and writing is difficult.

"Do you need help with the little love?" He asks.

"Yes. Can you hold her for a second while I write this down?" I ask.

"Of course." He says as he takes my daughter from me.

"Thank you." I say as I finish writing down my number and address. "Here." I say as I take Odette back and hand him the card. Surprisingly she starts screaming again as I take her from him. I slowly give her back and as soon as shes in his arms she's quiet.

"Wow. You pick a stranger over your mother." I say dramatically. obviously faking my anger. He just chuckles and hold the baby closer to him.

"I guess she likes me. Is that right little love?" He asks her. Odette just seems to snuggle closer to him. I just return to my seat.

My parents walk in.

"Hey Sweetheart." My dad says as he kisses my head.

"Hey dad. Hey mom."

"Hi. Who's this?" My mom says gesturing to Killian with a wink.

"This is Killian Jones. He just moved her with a few friends from Ireland." I say.

"Alright. Nice to meet you. Now where's my granddaughter?" My dad asks.

"Killian is holding her. She won't let me grab her. She Just starts screaming bloody murder if I try." I tell him. "She likes him."

"Well she seems asleep now. I actually have to get going. I'm meeting my friend Robin before our meeting." He says as he hands Odette to my father. She fusses a little bit but she calms down a bit.

"Ok bye. Just text me about those date plans." I say to him.

"I will. Bye. Bye little love. Bye Emma's parents." He says as he shakes their hands


"Mary Margaret."

"Bye." He says as he leave the diner.

"Date plans?" My mom asks with a wink as they sit down.

"It's a friendly date." I tell her. Hopefully it turns more.

_______________________________666 words of story. Hehbheheb. The devils number. I'm weird. Happy once day. I hope you enjoyed. Please write your thoughts in the comments. All your thoughts. Thank you for reading. Bye my loves. 😘

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