Doctors apointment

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I puff myself into the doctors with Killian.

"Ah. Emma swan. Dr. Whale told me you'd be here. Follow me." She tells us as she starts walking to the back.

Killian helps me walk. Once we get in the room the nurse automatically says, "we have to get your X-rays first then dr. Whale will come in and do your ultrasound." She tells us as she grabs the wheel chair from the corner of the room.

"Come sit and ill wheel you to X-rays. Mr. Jones you can wait here." The nurse tells Killian. Killian looks like he's about to protest but I give him the look.

"We have to give you a special type of X-ray because your pregnant. It's just a cat scan. It takes a bit longer but it keeps the baby safe." The nurse tells me as she wheels me to the cat scan room.

"Okay. That's fine." I tell her as we enter the room.

"Oh my. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Anastasia." She says as she holds out her hand for me to shake.

"Well I'm Emma but You already know that." I say.

"Yeah. Before we do the scan you need to take off your jewelry and anY metal you have on you." She tells me. I just have my ring on and Liam's ring that I never take off.

I took them both off and place the hesitantly on the desk. I don't like taking off my rings.

"Alright now move up here and we'll begin. " she says.

After the cat scan in the hospital room.

"I'm nervous." I tell Killian.

"Why swan?" He asks. He just has a huge smile on his face.

"What if something's wrong? What if my fall caused me to lose the Baby. I already love it so much. I'm just so scared." I tell him.

It's your fault if this baby dies.

"The baby will be fine." He tells me. I can tell he's stressed as well. "I'm scared too. I don't know what I'd do to Liam if he made you lose the baby. I'd kill him." He tells me.

"If the baby doesn't make it I'll assist you in that." I tell him.

"Knock knock." Whale says as he comes in.

"Hey. Well I took a look at your scan and it seems you've broken your ankle. You don't need surgery but you'll need a cast and crutches for a few months. You'll probably be transferred to a wheelchair if you get big quickly with the pregnancy." He tells me.

"Alright." I say.

"What color do you want for your cast?"he asks as he hands me swatches of the colors.

I pick a maroon color.

He quickly wraps it.

"Okay. All done. Now onto the ultrasound." He says as he brings over the machine.

"Let's get started."

He puts the cool gel all over my belly. He used the little wand to look at the baby.

"Well it seems the baby is in distress but not to bad. Take it easy for a few days and you should be fine." He tells us. My heart drops. My baby is in distress. He or she could die.

"How far along am I?" I ask tears threatening to spill.

"Your around 18 weeks. I know the gender as well, if you'd like to know." He tells us.

I look to Killian he just looks mesmerized.

"Yah I want to know." I say. Killian nods as well.

"Your having a Girl!" He yells.

"How'd you know?" I ask Killian.

"Pirates intuition." He says with a smile.

"Well do you guys want some pictures?" He asks.

"Yes!" We both say.

"Alright." He says as he hands us 4 pictures.

"Thank you."

"It's my pleasure. We have a new doctor who works with pregnancies who you'll be seeing from now on. His names dr. Jones." He tells us. "And it's not your psychopath brother."

"That's fine."

"Well I leave you to be. There's crutches by the door and you can leave whenever you like." He says as he exits.

"Our little baby." I fawn over the pictures.

We both make our way to the door. Me on my crutches of course.

We leave the hospital and decide to go to granny's. We have to walk because I didn't drive to the hospital but we get greeted by many people saying congratulations.

As we walk into granny's i see two people who I never thought I'd see again.


Mwhahahahaha! Cliff hanger. I'm evil I know. I'll update tomorrow I promise. Maybe even later tonight. Ouat is on in 20 minutes so Ill probably start writing the new part tonight. Love you guys!leave suggestions on the baby girl's name! And guess who's the two people in granny's. Bye my loves. 😘

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