The answer

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"I... I.... um..... I think I need.... a minute." I say with tears rolling down my face a run to the woman's bathroom not bothering to look at Killian.

Now he won't have the chance to leave you.

He probably hates me know.

"Emma! You idiot!" Regina says as she puffs into the bathroom.

"I can't. He's just gonna leave me." I say to her.

"No he won't. He fucking loves you. Why would he propose if he didn't." She yelled.

"But he..." I trail off. I really don't know what to say.

"He won't leave you I promise. Why did he walk out of the diner crying if he was gonna leave you." She said.

You made him cry. How dare you? What's wrong with you? It's all your fault.

"It's all my fault. Did he say anything?" I asked her now almost full on sobbing.

"He just said he needed some fresh air. Henry followed him out."

(Killian's pov when Emma leaves.)

"I... I.... um..... I think I need.... a minute." She tells me. Bloody hell.

I freeze. I don't know what to do. I feel a tear slide down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away.

"I'm gonna get some fresh air. It um..... Emma comes back call me in. I'll be right outside." I say as I walk outside. I sit at the table where I told her traded my ship for her. Where we had our first real kiss. Our first loving kiss.

My head is in my hands. I feel the tears coming down my face. It's completely dark except for a few street lights and the fairy lights above me. My I hear someone walk outside. I quickly wipe my tears.

"Bloody hell. I want to be alone right now." I says as I look up. It's Henry. "Sorry Henry. I didn't mean to be rude. It was bad form on my part, lad." I say trying to be strong.

He doesn't say anything. He just sits down next to me. The next thing I know he's giving me a huge hug. I'm shocked at first, but soon enough I respond to the hug. I let a single tear fall.

"She's just scared. She won't run. Well I hope she won't." He says to me. I just nod.

"Even if she decides against marring you which I highly doubt you'll still be my dad." He tells me. I feel more tears coming down my face.

It's all your fault. You made her scared. It's probably your hook. She doesn't want to marry someone so broken.

"What if she does leave me? I don't think she'd let me see you. She'd hate me." I say to him.

"Well if she does which I don't think she will I'll just have to sneak out to see the best dad ever." He tells me. This warms my heart.

"I'll have no one. All my friends and family came from her. Everyone will hate me." I tell the boy.

"No they won't. I know a few people who wouldn't leave you. Like me. Robin and will would still be friends with you. Even grandpa. We all care about you to much. " he tells me.

Someone else comes out. I'm hoping it's Emma but it isn't. It's just Liam.

(I'm just gonna tell you this now. I have a large hatred towards Liam. Like I ship him with Elsa but I just hate him. He tried to break up captain swan like fuck no.)

"Lad may I talk to your father in private?"he asks Henry. I quickly wipe all my tears and straighten up.

"She doesn't deserve you." He tells me.

No I don't deserve her.

I don't respond.

"She doesn't care. She doesn't love you." He tells me. "You can do better. For a minute in the underworld I thought she was right for you, but now I see why Zeus sent me back. He needed me to help you find a new girl." He tells me.

I still don't respond. I just take in what he's saying. It's not true. She does love me she's just scared.

But what if it is true? Because it is.

I wouldn't be able to move on from her anyways.

"She's just some wrench," Liam says to me. This is were I cut him off.

"No she isn't. She my true love! I love her! And her me! Maybe you can't see it but she does! She's no wrench! She's a princess! You can get your arse away from me! I don't need your help! I'll wait for all of eternity for Emma! Now go!" I yell. "Go!"

"Fine brother." He says and walks back inside granny's.

(Emma's pov)

"Just go out there and apologize. Tell him you love him. Give him his gift." Regina says.

"I can't. He'll hate me." I say.

"No he won't. Just go." She tells me.

I nod. I got this. Let's do this.

He's gonna....

Nope. Not now.

I puff myself outside of granny's in front of him.

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