The Apology

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I see him crying.

You made him cry! It's your fault! Just run now!

I need to run. No. fuck it. Let's talk.

I take the seat next to him. He doesn't move.

"I'm sorry." Is all I say. It's really all I can say.

He looks up. Then just puts his head back down.

He's not responding.

"I'm so sorry." I say as I begin to sob. I'm beginning to shake uncontrollably. The next thing I know is I'm in Killian's arms. "I.... love..... you!" I get in in between sobs.

"I love you too. Forever." He whispers in my ear. I just burry my head in the crook of his neck. I suddenly pull back.

"And of course I'll marry you. I'm sorry I ran. I thought you were gonna leave me." I say to him as I lean back into his touch.

"Why would I leave you? I was proposing." He says to me completely confused.

"Because.... I'm.... I'm..." I can't get it out.

"You can tell me on your own time love." He tells me and kisses my head.

"No you need to know. Now." I say. He looks confused. I magic up the present I got him still wrapped. "Just open this." I tell him.

He slowly opens the package. It's a small onesie with 'Arg Matey' written on it. He looks very confused.

"It's cute , love, but I don't think I'd fit in it." He tells me. He definitely didn't get the memo.

"It's not for you, you dumbass. It's for this." I say as I grab his hand and but it on my stomach. "I'm pregnant."

He stands up.

He's gonna leave.

He picks me up and spins me around.

"Let's go back inside and tell everyone the good news!" I say.

We walk hand in hand into granny's.

Everyone stares.

"We engaged! And pregnant!" I yell. Better to get it over with now.

Everyone gasps.

Henry runs and hugs us. So does The rest of the party goers. Just one big group hug. Except Liam. Everyone congratulates us then goes back to their past conversations.

Me and Killian decide to go sit in the back. As we were walking Liam stuck out his foot and tripped me. Like what the fuck. Are we 8. I fall flat on my face. Killian didn't have time to catch me because he was already in front of me. Killian helps me up.

"You fucking bastard!" I say to Liam.

"He tripped you?" Killian asks.

"Yes he did." I say.

"Just because you don't like my fiancé you don't get to hurt her!" Killian yells at him. "Are you okay, love?"

"My ankle and wrist hurts but I'll be fine." I say.

"Why don't you go sit down while I talk to my brother outside." He says to me. I nod.

As I walk to the seat I wince in pain. Fuck he really messed up my ankle.

Killian's already out the door with his brother so my mother helps me to the booth.

"Let me get you some ice." She says and runs off to the kitchen.

I can hear yelling from outside but I choose to ignore it.

My mother comes back and looks at my ankle.

"I think it's broken. I'm gonna get Doctor whale. He's here tonight." She says as she goes and grabs whale.

"I'm gonna take your shoe off." He says as he takes it off.

"Fuck that hurt." I say under my breath.

"Yah. It looks to be broken. I'd say come in as soon as possible. Tomorrow morning would be best." He says to me. "We can check on the baby for you as well."

"Alright." I say.

"Keep ice on it tonight and keep it elevated. I guess I'll see you tomorrow." He says and walks off. My mother grabs my hand from the other side of the booth.

I just smile at her.

Killian walks through the door. He's bleeding. My mother gets up and leaves.

"Killian. You didn't." I say.

"He's in better shape then I am love. He got two punches in and I got one." He tells me.

"Well you didn't deserve any. He deserved a ton." I tell him. I move my ankle to the other side of the booth were my mother was sitting before she left.

"Come sit so I can look at you." I say patting the seat next to me.

I give him a good look over.

"Looks like you've busted your lip. You might have a bruise on your cheek but that's it."I say as I clean his busted lip out with a wet paper towel I magiced up.

"How are you swan?" He asks more concerned about me then himself.

"Dr. Whale thinks it's broken but we won't know till tomorrow when we go to the doctor." I tell him.

"It's sorry." He whispers.

"There's no need to be sorry. Now. Let's go home." I tell him. "Mom me and Killian are going home." I yell to her. She nods.

I wave my hand and we are both in our bed with our pjs already on. The presents are beside the dresser.

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