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Hey! Just before I write this I'm changing Odette from being 3 days to 3 months. Just a heads up so you don't get confused.

I've been texting Killian a lot. It's weird. I really like him. We haven't even been on a date yet but i just have This feeling about him. Odette seems to love him. Well I guess it's about the time I write in my diary today before Odette wakes up.

Well yesterday wasn't too eventful. Henry went on a date. I'm going on a date on Saturday with a very handsome man. He just moved here from Ireland. His brother, his brothers girlfriend, and his brothers girlfriends best friend came with him. His hair is so dreamy and chocolaty. I just want to run my fingers through it. His eyes are the bluest things I've ever seen. They are more blue then Odette's. Odette's have more of a green ting to them. If someone saw Killian and Odette together they'd think you were father and daughter. Me and Killian have been texting a lot since yesterday. He texted almost as soon as he left the diner. Then we texted after our meeting. We texted for hours. It amazing. Well today we have thanksgiving at Regina's so I better go get the kids ready.

I grab my dress and quickly put it on and start doing my makeup. I did something more dramatic then I usually do.
Emma's makeup

 Emma's makeup

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Emma's outfit

I quickly curl my hair in lose curls

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I quickly curl my hair in lose curls. I start to here a little bit of fussing over the baby monitor so I quickly finish the last piece of hair and walk to the baby's room.

"Hey my little princess." I say as I pick her up. She instantly snuggles into my chest.

"Mommy's got you. Shush. I love you." I say as she starts to settle down. I start to walk down the stairs because I can tell she's hungry. The sight I see. Henry's making pancakes.

"Hey mom! I'm making pancakes. There's already a bottle ready for Odette here." He says as he hands me the bottle.

"Look at you on top of everything." Ii say quite proud.

"Well violets coming to thanksgiving with us and I want everything to go smoothly." He tells me.

"I see."

"Here's your pancakes.  I already ate so I'll clean the dishes." He says as he places the pancakes and a glass of orange juice in front of me.

I feed Odette and myself and by the time I'm finished Henry's done with all the dishes.

"In gonna go get ready. We only have and hour and a half before we have to leave." He says as he runs up the stairs to his room.

"Let's go get you ready little love." Woah. I just said little love. Killian calls her little love.

"Let's go get you in your outfit." I say as I bring her up to her room. 

Odette's outfit

I play with her a bit and take some cute photos of her smile

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I play with her a bit and take some cute photos of her smile. God I love her. I check the clock and it's 11:45. We got to go.

"Henry it's time to leave." He's already downstairs with his shoes on.

We quickly leave and make our way to Regina's house. 

"Don't be to loud at Regina. She's got a newborn and we don't want to startle him." I tell him as we get out of the car.

_______________________________sorry for no update yesterday. I didn't have time. I hope you enjoy this update and I might update again today. Bye my loves.

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