The prophecy

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We quickly finish our lunch and decide it's time to get to the loft.  We walk to the loft, well I hobble.

"Do you need help up the steps, my love?" Killian asked.

"I don't know what you can do?" I ask.

"I'll carry you." He says as he picks me up. 

"Oh no!" I say as he starts to carry me up the steps.

By the last steps we are both laughing hysterically.

"Ok put me down." I say between laughs.

"Nope." Killian says as he knocks on the door.

"Hello? Oh hi Killian, hey Emma." She says slightly confused.

Killian finally puts me down and hands me my crutches.

We walk into my parents loft and Graham and Milah talking to dad.

"Hey guys." I say slightly nervous.

Once Milah saw me she got a disgusting look on her face.

"So it's a girl?!" My mother asked as she put a hand on my stomach.

"Yep. I'm really excited." I tell her.

"How about you Killian? Are you excited?" Snow asks.

"I'm ecstatic. I can't wait." He tells her.

"A girl huh? Just like the prophecy." Graham said with a evil smile.

"What prophecy?" I ask quickly. 

"The prophecy of the child made from the purest true love. The child born from the truest love will bring forth the evil queen. She may be the death of the queen or the savior of thy queen." Graham says. He has a look. It's not Graham.

"Who are..." I ask as Regina Robin and their family walks in.

"Oh look who it is. The queen and what is this. She's pregnant. Well well well." Graham says.

"Who are you?" I ask. Regina looks extremely confused.

"Who am I? Hahahah. I'm the queen of course." He says evilly as he, well should I say she changed into the evil queen.

Killian protectively covered my belly as Robin did the same to Regina.

"I'm gonna need that baby." The evil queen says as she........
331 words. A shorter chapter but I'm doing homework.

Here are some baby name suggestions

First names: Odette, Sarah, or Nicole.

Want some new ones for middle names. If you have more names please comment them. Thank you my loves. Bye.

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