Proposing To MC RFA

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Anonymous on Tumblr asked:

Hi! I'm new so sorry if I don't know if you do these/if it's already been done. But HC's on how the RFA would propose to MC? I could use some happy fluff after reading the MC dying post </3

Yeah, that post was really sad...

Here's some fluff!!!

Yoosung -
- He was nervous as hell.
- He had managed to save up enough money for this.
- He had gotten a ring for you
- Not a promise ring but an engagement ring.
- It was personalized so it was unique for only you.
- He will begin to plan the day out to go through perfectly.
- This plan will go on for weeks honestly.
- Once it does happen he proposes to you at the Zoo (I just went there an honestly he probably would)
- Will take you all around, smiling and giggling.
- Once he reached the walk through butterfly exhibit, he started to get a bit nervous.
- He proposed to you in the middle of the exhibit.
- Obviously nervous, kind of stumbling over his words.
- When you said yes he was oVErjOYEd.
- You both will hug and kiss until you burst into giggles as a butterfly landed on his head.

Zen -
- EmOtiONaL WrEcK
- Getting the ring in secret was difficult
- Had to order online under a fake name
- Like Yoosung his was personalized
- Since he's an actor, this guy can probably lie like a freaking expert so you wouldn't suspect a thing.
- Will kind of pamper you a bit.
- Drops subtle hints to his fans by taking on musicals with a more mushy romance theme
- Will propose about a week or two after planning/purchasing the ring.
- Will call you onto stage at a meet up with fans.
- Will propose there and despite the slightly jealous fans, people will be supportive af
- Someone in the crowd might shout. "SAY YES"
- You say yes of course.

- Honestly she didn't know how she came to the decision. It just simply happened.
- She gets a premade one.
- Though it was limited time only, and she happened to get the LAST one before it stopped being sold.
- She smiles to herself and is much more happier lately.
- Gets you a bit suspicious, but you trust this cinnamon roll
- Will try and get to propose as soon as possible because well work.
- She will end up getting the day off about a week later.
- Takes you on a date to the park. At night.
- The date was a bit sudden because.
- "Jaehee we usually plan out these dates before hand"
- She quickly shushes you though because she was planning something.
- Somehow got the state to let her set off fireworks.
- Proposes just as one of your and her favorite color sets off.
- Gets a bit cheesy and REALLY BLUSHY (Jaehee are you okay? You dying?)
- When you say yes she is so relieved and happy.

- How did he come to this conclusion?
- Did he even deserve you to this level? He didn't think so.
- You had stuck through with him through everything, so he was so sure you were the one.
- Will do something technical to propose.
- Will still get a ring but something simple yet unique.
- While you are at work is when he sets into action.
- Will get ahold of your computer after he makes a program.
- When you get home you go to your computer you see nothing has changed.
- Until about twenty minutes later it started to bug out. Which seemed like a virus when it's not.
- Saeyoung will come in almost as soon as you call for him.
- Doesn't seem scared in the slightest.
- Strange.
- After a couple seconds a message flashes across the screen.
- Will you marry me?
- "Is my computer proposing to me?"
- Saeyoung would start laughing before he kneeled down, taking out the ring.
- It's then you realize he hacked your computer to do this...
- In the end you say yes but he's still in trouble for messing up your computer

Jumin -
- Hes probably the most calm of everyone in the RFA.
- He doesn't really put the proposal off.
- Until he realizes that these things take planning.
- Will plan this for months. About 4-5 at most.
- Will get a specialized ring and will most likely send it back if it has an imperfection.
- He really wants it to be perfect because, your his one and only.
- Jumin will take you on a fancy restaurant
- Will make sure the servers are not rude to you.
- Has honestly probably made them rehearse a script
- He will be blushing a light pink when time comes to propose.
- Will probably do some long speech
- By the end though he is blushing a bit more
- VISIBLY looks stressed until you say yes, in which he will VISIBLY look relaxed.
- Will give you a long kiss in the end.

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