MC Writing When Missing RFA

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Anonymous said:
how would the rfa react to mc being a really good drawer? Like they find drawings of them in her book, but it turns out, she drew them when she really missed them, and there are alot of drawings. like over 50 or something.

(I was supposed to write this ten years ago WHOOPS -L)


He would have found all of these drawings on accident. He was just going through the things in the shared bedroom, when he saw their sketchbook. He knew better than to pry and start going through it when you weren't even home but the one piece of paper that fell out of it caught his interest. He put down the sketchbook, eyes scanning over the paper until he realized it was a drawing of him. Glancing back at the book, he saw the other loose sheets of paper and curiosity finally overtook him.

Within the sketchbook were drawings of plants, and objects but one thing that really stood out to him was the fact that there were so, so many different drawings of him. Some photos were taped in as a reference, and some had short little captions. Upon closer inspection, he saw that there was a bit of water damage, the stained spots reminiscent of tears. Instantly, he felt his eyes water and he thought back to the past couple of weeks. He had become so overwhelmed with rehearsals and he was barely home. The only times he was, he just ate, showered, then went to sleep.

When you came home that night, he'd tell them what he found, asking them if you had missed him that much. When you reluctantly answered yes, he'd hold them close to him, apologizing profusely. He'd try his best to get more time off, or find some way to spend time with them, whether it be sending them texts all throughout the day, or telling them to come visit him on set.


She found out when one day she had asked to see your sketchbook. You had forgotten that you had a whole bunch of drawings of her from the times when she had to stay late and work for Jumin. You had just been reading a book silently beside her as she flipped through the pages. Each drawing of her was amazing, and she felt as though you had exaggerated her features a bit, making her look more beautiful than she was (okay lets be honest Jaehee's really pretty). When she finished flipping through everything, she turned to you.

"Are these...of me?" At that your wide eyes as you made haste to grab the book back from her, she realized that it was. She'd ask you why you were drawing so many pictures of her and once you admitted that it was because you had missed her so much, she'd instantly feel even worse. She knew that she spent a lot of time working because of Jumin, but she didn't know just how lonely you felt. She'd hug you, a rare initiation of affection on her part and apologize, beginning to try and plan a way to spend more time with you, and convince Jumin to get her some time off.


He found your drawings after mistaking it for one of his assignments (he's sleep deprived and unfocused as all hell okay). Once he realized that that drawing wasn't the photo he was supposed to be analyzing, he'd head off to return it to you, recognizing your art style when he realized that it was a drawing of him. He grinned, thinking that you had just gotten bored one day and made a one-off doodle of him. He had to admit, that was a pretty intense doodle though, you had obviously put in a lot of effort.

Once he found you and gave it to you, he headed back to his desk, ready to work when you walked in behind him. He wasn't really expecting you, but he considered your presence to be a pleasant surprise, so he didn't mind it. Unlike the others, he didn't find out about your multitude of drawings so you had decided to come clean (because come on, wouldn't you feel a bit awkward drawing a whole bunch of pictures of someone without telling them) and told him that you wanted to speak with him.

The moment you told him that you felt as though he he was neglecting you for his games some nights, he felt his heart break. Sure, he knew that his obsession with LOLOL had become really bad recently, but he thought he was just having a little relapse and that it would be fine in a couple of days. He didn't really think that he was ignoring you that much. Instantly, he'd begin to try and lessen his habit, wanting to make sure that you didn't feel that lonely anymore. However, he does enjoy looking at the drawings from time to time. Ask him to pose for you and he gets SO flustered and shy about it though!


He found the drawings after he mistakenly took a folder of your drawings along with his paperwork. He had pulled out said folder, intending to review some of the numbers when he saw the drawings. The second his eyes were laid on them, he paused. He didn't know how to feel. On one hand, the drawings were all gorgeous in his opinion. One the other, there must have been a reason as to why you drew him. He wanted to know exactly what that was.

Once he walked through the door of your shared home, he went to find you. He sat beside you, drawing your attention in a subtle manner. He'd give you back the folder, prompting you to explain. When he heard your reasoning, he'd apologize for being so busy, and swear to make it up for you, booking a vacation for you as soon as he could, for as long as he could. He did end up making it up to you ;)))))


He was trying to find something to do to pass the time while he waited for some things to load when he spotted your sketchbook out of the corner of his eye. He decided that a quick flip through it wouldn't hurt, so he began to quickly skim the drawings until he realized that a lot of them were of him. He opened the book fully, entranced by the way your pencil captured his likeness. He didn't know what to make of it, and so he just kinda...sat there...shocked for a while until he decided to go bug you about it.

Hearing you tell him that it was because you missed him and drawing him made the loneliness ebb away a bit made him emotional. He hugged you tightly, apologizing and telling you that he'd ditch his work, just for you. You ended up talking him out of skipping work and convinced him to just go cuddle with you after he finished doing whatever he did. He managed to break a personal record of his because he just really wanted to hold you close and apologize.   

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