Chubby MC RFA+V+Saeran

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DONE. *hands out holy water for everyones safety*

Anon Asked: I love all your drabbles I still don't get how you can be so good at it?? anyways can you do a RFA+V+Unknown reaction to chubby MC but like a smut one?? if you are comfortable of course.

I shall do my best! Also I had this previously on my old laptop (I got a new one for Christmas) and I was almost finished with it before it had crashed on me, and the writer I had, I forgot to press save since I press it like every 5 minutes or so since I have bad habits. So like... I lost ALL my progress so this won't be what I had originally had! So these will be in head cannon form!

It will be also said if its NSFW or SFW


Yoosung (SFW)-

- So... Yoosung this boy is an innocent smol bean.

- So like he doesnt care that you are a bit chubby.

- He finds that you are the most comfortable pillow ever!

- If he see's someone looking at you strangely. He will get a bit Yandere??

- Like low-key glares at the guy. Which honestly scares the guy.

- But as soon as MC looks back to Yoosung, he will be back to his normal innocent face.

- Pecks MC on the cheek or lips.

- Always showering MC in compliments, even if they are not insecure about it!

- "MC!'"

- "W-What? Is something wrong?"

- "Nope! Just wanted to say that you are the most beautiful girl ever!"

Zen (NSFW)-

- Okay, when he first saw you at the RFA party, he was drinking a glass of wine.

- So when he saw you, he nearly choked on his wine. Literally.

- When you looked down bashfully. He blinked in surprise and walked up to you.

- "Wow... MC your..."

- "Chubby I know Zen..."

- Okay hold the phone did you just degrade your self?

- Immediately picks you up and spins you both around.

- "No! Your so pretty!" He chuckled a bit and stopped when you go a bit dizzy. Leaning down to your ear. "Your really tempting the beast right now MC..." He whispered winking at you.

- Chuckles at your flustered face and acts like her didn't say anything.

- After living with each other for a bit, he starts to make more forward advances.

- With MC's consent of course.

- One time he got a letter for MC, not knowing it was from one of his jealous fans.

- When he saw MC get teary eyes, he immediately read the letter.

- Growling a bit as he read the contents.

- He glanced over to MC, seeing them looking at their lap.

- He sat the letter on the table, immediately picking MC up, causing them to squeak.

- One way or another it ends in the bedroom.

- "You see this MC?" He kisses your inner thigh gently. "And this?" He kisses your lower stomach. "This is what I love about you, besides your personality"

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