Pregnant MC RFA

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What Would Happen If MC Was Pregnant?


- Poor guy is SHOOK

- Didn't you guys use protection?

- Probably forgot in the heat of the moment

- Honestly after the initial shock, he would be so fucking happy.


- He would try his best to make sure you were okay and healthy

- Despite the struggles he would provide as best as he could.

- When the baby is actually born, he will be SOBBING (in happiness)



- Honestly probably forgot protection when the beast was released whoops

- Probably not as shocked at Yoosung was.

- His social medias? Year they are filled with photos of you and unltrasounds

- Will make one of those videos where you take a photo every week of the belly and then make it into a video

- If his fangirls start giving you hate, he will make a public announcement about it.

- Scolds the fangirls

- He will buy those cute little matching outfits for the baby.

- Probably went into labor when he was at work.

- He immediately left work to get you to the hospital.

- No hesitation. Actually had to go back to grab his keys he was in a rush.

- When the baby is born, he starts crying a bit.


- You guys did one of those fertilization procedures.

- SURPRISINGLY Jumin helped fund it slightly.

- In return you had to watch Elizabeth oh well

- There was a low chance it would work

- when you missed your period and found out you were infact pregnant Jaehee was estatic almost immediately

- Asks for day off to celebrate

- Make sure you have low stress and tries to make sure you have all the things you need

- Her boss Jumin might end up attempting to spoil the kid

- When you go into labor its full on MOTHER MODE

- Probably went into labor while visiting her

- Drives you to the hospital immediately

- She doesn't cry but does get teary eyed


- This guy probably planned this entire thing probably explained the multiple rounds about 2-3 weeks ago

- Wasn't even REMOTELY shocked

- He smiled and hugged you

- Buys EVERYTHING you need. From Prenatal Pills to those specially made outfits for pregnant women.

- You know those baby monitors where they can talk to the baby and see the baby? He buys that

- Even buys that set where you put headphones on the stomach and talk through a mic


- He even gets Elizabeth those pet classes so she can get used to children

- Makes sure your environment is just right, if he eve senses the slightest bit of stress he will calm you down

- When you go into labor, he gets you to the hospital.

- Demands the doctors to give you epidural, doesn't want you in pain.

- He will cry but denys it

- "Just dust in my eye, MC"

- "Jumin, the hospital and this room are completely sanitized."


- Heh, whoops.

- Is shocked and shuts himself out for like half the day before bursting into your room hugging you with happy tears

- Kisses your stomach so many damn times

- "How did I deserve such a wonderful wife, and now a child? God I don't deserve this"

- He just got insecure, but you reassure him.

- Your both kind of crying messes now

- Works extra hours to get as much money as possible to but things for the baby.

- Don't be surprised if he comes home with a bag of matching outfits for you and the kid that look like his normal outfit.

- He even got matching fake glasses for the baby that are specially made to be gentle on the skin

- He's working while you go into labor, which you had snuck out to go grocery shopping

- He gets a call from the hospital and THAT BOY GOT THERE FAST

- Probably got like 4 red light tickets and a couple speeding tickets.

- Scolds you lightly before going into a slight panic mode because.

- "Oh gosh MC I'm so sorry, I did this to you, but oh gosh I'm so happy, here hold my hand"

- Yeah, offering his hand was a bit of a bad idea.

- On the bright side you left with a healthy baby!

- On the not so bright side, Seven has a broken hand

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