Foreigner MC With Backstory RFA

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Anonymous said:
Hey, could you do a HC where RFA+V+Saeran found out that MC is a foreigner that moved to Korea because she wanted to erase her memories about what happened in her origin country? (MC keeping it a secret but they kinda found out) Like she had a problem with family forcing a marriage to her or problem with her past?

(:)))) i like this oops im not too confident about this piece its not that good-L)


The second that you told him that you moved to South Korea was because you were trying to run away he wanted to make you forget everything that happened. He knows how it feels to want to run away, I mean after all he himself did run away. He'd want you to tell him just what happened at home, but totally understands if you don't want to tell him. He'd do his best to make good memories, and will always be there if you ever feel like revealing exactly happened.

Once you did tell him, he wanted to march right over to your family's home and give them a piece of his mind (Zen no you have plays to do you can't leave the country). He knows that that isn't really a feasible option, but just the sentiment is enough to bring a smile to your face. Instead, he'll just spend time throwing more affection at you, and opening up a bit more about his past, as if to say that he didn't have too easy a life too in an attempt for you to feel as though you could relate to him.


She'd want to ask you exactly what made you move the second you told her, but she would restrain herself. She knows that sometimes, people don't want to sure things like that but she was still concerned. She'd let you tell her on your own time, whenever you felt comfortable and in the meantime would just let it be.

The night you chose to tell her about everything, she listened intently, making sure that she understood what it was that you went through. After all that, she'd tell you that you don't need to worry about those things anymore because she would make sure that you never have to feel that way again. She'd go out of her way to make you comfortable and ensure your happiness.


He would be so concerned. He'd try to get you to tell him, or at least give him some context so that he knew what you had to deal with and if you didn't, he'd try his best to drop it. He'd still be ridiculously worried for you though.

When you finally decided to tell him, he'd almost want to tear up. He didn't want to imagine the love of his life having to deal with something like that. He'd try to distract you from it, or would just offer his comfort and a listening ear, urging you to vent. Constantly, he'd be interjecting with small comments about how you deserve much better, and in the end would promise to both you and himself that he'd make new memories for you.


The first thing that he wanted to do was track down the people who had a hand in making your life miserable. He was ready and willing to make their lives a living hell, but once you managed to coax him out of it, he just...held you. He didn't know what else to do at that moment, but you brought so much joy to his life and he knew you didn't deserve anything like this. He understands what it's like to have a somewhat dysfunctional family, but he wouldn't understand what it's like to feel as though you've got no choice but to leave. From that point on, he'd ensure that you never had to do anything that you might not want to no matter the circumstance.


He lowkey already knows that something happened at home, but he doesn't know what. Instead, he'd just leave that for you to decide to tell him because he knows that the past can be a fairly touchy subject for most. When he was doing the background check, he was kind enough not to look too deeply into your past, briefly skimming it for a general idea.

When you came clean to him about the circumstances you came from, he was oddly quiet. He didn't say much because he wanted you to know that he was really listening and paying attention, doing his best to remember as much of it as he could. As you finished unloading your tragic backstory on him, he'd do his best to try and make you feel a bit more reassured and in a way get you to accept that it happened as a way of closure if you were alright with it. He'd make sure that you understood that he didn't love you any less now that you told him, and he himself would want to tell you a bit more about himself so that you didn't feel all exposed while you were still in the dark about him.   

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