Depressed MC RFA

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Anonymous said:
How would the RFA  react to finding out that MC harms herself due to depression?
Gah~~ Up here with that angst! *puts on happy music that I probably won’t look at the same ever again*

But let me just say, if you or someone you know is struggling with self harm or depression, please, try and get some help from either someone you trust, or an adult figure. Please don’t let them or let yourself struggle on your own, because trust me. You’re not alone. There will be someone who you can trust, and if you’re struggling and want to ask me something anonymously or you want to message me, that is perfectly okay.

You are not a burden.
You are not alone.
You are relevant.

Also this is triggering so


Yoosung -
   You both were playing a round of LOLOL together, and you both were going against each other to test out your new weapons and armor you both had acquired. Both of you were smiling happily and going against each other. Until you had managed to beat his player and then a tickle fight started. You were tickling him, the controllers on the other end of the room forgotten about. Somehow he managed to flip you both over, his system getting rid of some leftover giggles before he started tickling you, your shirt riding up slightly to reveal scars that were on your stomach. Some new, and some old. He felt his breath hitch as tears brimmed his eyes. Quickly he hugged you before you could respond, sobbing into your shoulder. Both of your happiness forgotten for a bit as you both cried in each others arms.

   He promised you that he would help you stop, even if it would be difficult, he would be with you every step of the way.

Zen -
   You and Zen, one of your most favorite things to do together, would be to cuddle when ever you could. But recently he noticed that you would flinch away from his touch or you would wince whenever he would touch your arms. So one day, you were asleep on the bed, that’s something else he noticed, you would get tired more often, he offered to take you to the doctor but you said no. He didn’t want to intrude on your privacy, but he didn’t know if you were hurt or not. So gently without waking you, he rolled up your sleeves. Gasping a bit louder than anticipated when he noticed the new scars on your wrist, like just made only a day or two ago fresh.

   You woke up to see him still looking at your wrists, tears falling freely down his face before he noticed you were awake, he carefully had you sit up and began bandaging your wounds, since he kept a first aid next to his bed. (reason for that is up to you ;)) He silently asked ou why you did it and if it was due to his fans, he would firmly scold them about being rude to his s/o

   Zen is with you every step of the way for recovery!

Jaehee -
   You had been making some coffee for you and Jaehee since the cafe was down for some renovations. So today you both could relax at home together. You had your sleeves rolled up so you didn’t get any water on it for when you would fill the side compartment to make the coffee. Well she had been helping you in the kitchen hadn’t looked at your arms, until you had tilted your hand to pour the water.

   She gasps and you put the pitcher down, thinking you had done something wrong. But she immediately grabbed your wrists gently and pulled you towards her, tracing the scars very gently with her fingertips. You could see her holding in the tears. That’s when you remembered she had lost both her parents in the past. The last thing she would have wanted is you to be lost as well.

   Tons of cuddles are ensued. She is like your personal therapist, vise versa. You both help each other stay happy and get through this.
Jumin -

   Jumin thought that you both going on vacation was a wonderful idea, granted it was. The place he had chosen was wonderful! It was a private resort he reserved for you both, and there was a beach you both could swim in together alone. But Jumin was confused as to why you weren’t changing into your bathing suit to go swimming. Though after some coaxing, he managed to convince you to change into a bathing suit. But you kept your arms hidden. He managed to sneak up on you somehow, and playfully seized your arms, but immediately was shocked to hear you yelp in pain. He thinks he did something wrong because you started crying. He hugged you tightly, apologizing constantly. Until you stop him from apologizing and explain.
He gets you the best therapists, looks up methods to keep depression from happening. Buys bath salts to calm your nerves, candles that soothe anxiety, and gets one of those giant rock salt lamps.

If it helps you, he gets it for you.

Saeyoung -
   Saeyoung has been through depression before, so he knows the signs for it. But you manage to convince him that it just hasn’t been a good week, but that you would be fine. So one day, he was checking the CCTV cameras while he was working. He saw you standing in your bedroom, not facing the camera. He thought everything was fine until he saw something fall in the camera. It was silver, and that’s when he saw the crimson that was trickling down your arm. He didn’t care if Vanderwood would be mad at him, MC needed them at this very moment. He stopped what he was doing and left his office, quickly rushing to your shared bedroom. He didn’t open the door, he kicked it down, not literally but he did break the latch.

   He rushed over to you and took off his jacket and shirt, using his shirt to wrap around your new wounds. Tears brimming his eyes as he managed to focus. You didn’t say anything to him, just stared. You had such a lifeless look in your eyes, which broke him even more. To snap you out of your senses he shouted your name. Which worked. You looked at him, then to your arm that he had bandaged with just a shirt. The dam for both of you just broke, both of you were on the ground hugging each other while crying.

   Vanderwood went to check on his work, and he had left the CCTV screen on. So Vanderwood saw what was going on and left a note on his desk, saying that he had two weeks off work to help MC, and if he needed more, just to simply ask.

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